Teller Report

China's "Hometown of German Enterprises" Taicang, Jiangsu Province, awarded the 500th German enterprise license

1/23/2024, 5:36:45 AM

Highlights: China's "Hometown of German Enterprises" Taicang, Jiangsu Province, awarded the 500th German enterprise license. In 1993, Kern-Liebers (Taicang) Co. Ltd. settled in the small city in the south of the Yangtze River. The average output value of German companies per mu has reached 14 million yuan (RMB, the same below) More than half of the German companies in TaicANG have carried out localized R&D and innovation locally.

  China News Service, Suzhou, January 23 (Reporter Zhong Sheng) The reporter learned from the Taicang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department that on January 22, German time, the awarding ceremony for the 500th German-owned enterprise in Taicang City was held at the BEUMER Group headquarters in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. held.

So far, the total number of German companies in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, known as China's "Hometown of German Enterprises", has increased to 500.

  In 1993, Kern-Liebers (Taicang) Co., Ltd. settled in Taicang, a small city in the south of the Yangtze River, kicking off the Sino-German cooperation in Taicang.

At present, Taicang has become one of the areas with the most intensive investment and best development by German companies in China. The average output value of German companies per mu has reached 14 million yuan (RMB, the same below).

More than half of the German companies in Taicang have carried out localized R&D and innovation locally.

  In 2008, Taicang became the first city jointly awarded the title of "Sino-German Enterprise Cooperation Base" by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the German Ministry of Economic Affairs.

In June 2016, the eighth German center in the world settled in Taicang, which was the first German center in China to be located in a county-level city.

The pace of German companies settling in Taicang is also gradually accelerating. It took 14 years for the first German company to open in Taicang to reach the 100th; and it only took more than two years for the company to go from the 400th to the 500th.

  Today, Taicang's cooperation with Germany has expanded from the economic field to education, culture, science and technology, environmental protection, urban construction, social management and many other aspects.

Introducing German bakeries, Sino-German friendly kindergartens, German hotels and other life service enterprises, and holding brand events such as Taicang Beer Festival... More and more Germans regard this place as their "second home".

  BEUMER Group, which settled in Taicang this time, was founded in 1935. Its large-scale logistics transportation equipment such as belt conveyors and chain conveyors are used in airports and logistics transmission companies in more than 70 countries around the world.

According to the plan, BEUMER Group will set up two entities: an asset company and an operating company in Taicang High-tech Zone, which will mainly produce and develop logistics equipment. The annual output value of the project will reach 1.4 billion yuan when it reaches full production.

Rudolf Hausladen, CEO of BEUMER Group, said: "There are many growth opportunities in the Chinese market, and BEUMER Group is full of expectations for its development in Taicang and in China." (End)