Teller Report

Germany ticket: The 49 euro ticket should not become more expensive in 2024

1/22/2024, 4:46:41 PM

Highlights: Germany ticket: The 49 euro ticket should not become more expensive in 2024. The transport ministers of the federal states agreed on this at a special conference. Consumer advice centers renewed their demand for clarity about the future of the Deutschlandticket. The ticket can be used on all local buses and trains since May 1, 2023 - as a digitally bookable, monthly-cancelable subscription throughout Germany. The current price of 49 euros per month is already for many the pain threshold.

The Germany ticket should not become more expensive this year. The transport ministers of the federal states agreed on this at a special conference.

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A light rail in Hanover

Photo: Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

With one ticket you can use local public transport throughout Germany: The Deutschlandticket was a small revolution in German transport policy.

Recently, however, there was a dispute about how high the price should be in the future.

Now the transport ministers of the federal states have agreed to leave it at 49 euros per month at least for 2024, as North Rhine-Westphalia's transport minister Oliver Krischer (Greens) said following the talks.

The ticket is an “absolute success story”; the costs are borne by the federal and state governments, emphasized Kirscher.

“We as states agree that we do not need a price increase for the Deutschlandticket this year,” said Lower Saxony’s Transport Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) after the transport ministers’ deliberations.

Based on the available data, there is no need for a price increase for 2024 because the financing is adequate, the minister emphasized.

“So the price can remain stable this year too.” Lies said that this was a signal of reliability for users.

“This also brings the necessary clarity for transport companies and municipalities.”

After a long dispute over possible additional costs, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the states agreed that grants unused in 2023 can be used in 2024.

The transport ministers should develop the concept for implementing the ticket in the new year before May 1, 2024.

Consumer advice centers demanded clarity

At the beginning of the month, the consumer advice centers renewed their demand for clarity about the future of the Deutschlandticket and for stable prices.

The board member of the Federal Association (vzbv) Ramona Pop said the ticket was a real success.

»Bus and train travel is finally easy nationwide.

In principle, many people continue to be convinced by the offer.«

But the wrangling over financing is unsettling passengers, and municipalities and districts are also suffering from the uncertainty.

"The necessary planning security is missing." Pop warned of a price increase - now apparently averted at least for this year: "If the price increases, the Deutschlandticket would become neither more attractive nor more reliable." The current price of 49 euros per month is already for many the pain threshold.

The Deutschlandticket can be used on all local buses and trains since May 1, 2023 - as a digitally bookable, monthly-cancelable subscription throughout Germany.
