Teller Report

Diabetes targets young people

1/22/2024, 3:16:26 AM

Highlights: As of 2021, there are more than 140 million diabetic patients in China. Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% of patients. Young diabetic patients "carry sugar" for longer than middle-aged and elderly patients. Excessive glucose accumulates in blood vessels, which will damage large blood vessels and microvessels throughout the body, threatening the patient's eyes, kidneys, heart, and brain. In severe cases, it can lead to lower limb amputation, blindness, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarctions, renal failure, etc.

  Qin Youran was forced to become the enemy of "Tang" early.

  She is 21 years old, has no family history of diabetes, and is studying clinical medicine at university.

She had a basic understanding of the disease, but when she developed dizziness, night sweats, hand tremors and other related symptoms, she did not think of diabetes.

  Her fasting blood sugar was measured to be over 17, which is three or four times the normal value.

She was originally doing a clinical internship in a hospital, but she became a new patient admitted to the hospital and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

  Data released by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) shows that as of 2021, there are more than 140 million diabetic patients in China, which has the largest number of diabetic patients in the world.

Type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% of patients. It is a disease caused by genetic and environmental factors, leading to insulin resistance and pancreatic beta cell damage. The typical symptoms are "three more and one less": polyuria, polydipsia, polyuria, and polyuria. Eat, lose weight.

  Patients with type 2 diabetes mostly develop the disease in their 40s and 50s, but now many young people are suffering from the disease.

According to the Global Burden of Disease Database, from 2010 to 2019, the incidence rate of type 2 diabetes patients in China has increased. Among them, the number of male "sugar patients" increased by 142 per 100,000 people in ten years, while the number of female "sugar patients" increased by 142 per 100,000 people in ten years. "people" increased by 33.7 per 100,000 people.

  Young diabetic patients "carry sugar" for longer than middle-aged and elderly patients and are at a higher risk of complications.

Excessive glucose accumulates in blood vessels, which will damage large blood vessels and microvessels throughout the body, threatening the patient's eyes, kidneys, heart, and brain. In severe cases, it can lead to lower limb amputation, blindness, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, renal failure, etc.

  This disease is more related to acquired diet and living habits.

When young patients look back on the course of their disease, in addition to "high-sugar" diet, irregular work and rest, and little exercise, emotional and mental stress in life and work are also factors that cannot be ignored.

In modern life, it is not easy for young people to "control sugar".

We interviewed young people with type 2 diabetes about this, and the following is what the interviewees said.

“Some people have diabetes but don’t know it”

  Qin Youran, 21, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for 1 year

  At the end of July last year, I suddenly became thirsty, drank more, and urinated more. I had to go to the toilet five or six times a night.

  By August, I had my blood sugar tested on an empty stomach in the hospital. The result was 17+, and I was diagnosed with diabetes.

The time from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis was relatively short, which may be related to my medical studies. Some people already have diabetes, but they don’t know it.

Many young people can recover if they intervene when they first have symptoms.

  I majored in clinical medicine and was interning in the hospital. I reported my physical condition to my instructor and stopped my internship.

Because this blood sugar level is already at a level that requires hospitalization, if it is not treated, it will lead to ketoacidosis.

At that time, I felt dizzy, had night sweats, my hands were shaking, and my whole body felt weak.

There is also muscle itching, which is an itch that penetrates from the inside out.

  The doctor said this was a complication of diabetes and asked me to control my diet. I should stop drinking drinks and reduce the amount of rice I eat.

I stayed in the hospital for ten days and received potassium chloride infusions every day.

At that time, I was admitted to the hospital and had a lot of blood drawn, and tested fasting blood sugar, two-hour postprandial blood sugar, etc. It was finally confirmed that I had type 2 diabetes.

  We talked in class that type 1 diabetes is mainly inherited, and some type 1 patients have been diagnosed as early as one or two years old.

I have diabetes at my age, and the doctor’s first reaction was type 1, but my body type is more towards type 2.

Type 1 is mostly thin, while type 2 is a bit fatter.

  With type 2 diabetes like mine, insulin is secreted normally, but the body cannot use it.

Type 1 is unable to synthesize insulin in the body and must rely on exogenous injections of insulin.

  If blood sugar is not well controlled, you will have to inject insulin and take medications. This is not only a financial burden, but also harmful to your own health.

Diabetes may cause ketoacidosis in more severe cases.

  When I was diagnosed, I didn’t want to tell my mother, I planned to just say that my blood sugar was high, which would be more acceptable to her than diabetes.

But I told the teacher about it and he said you'd better tell your parents because this is not a disease that can be cured in the short term.

My parents thought there was something wrong with my lifestyle, eating too much sweets, overeating, irregular work and rest, etc.

  After I got sick, I concluded that I am 174 centimeters tall and weigh nearly 200 pounds, which is considered obese. I think this is the biggest reason because there is no history of diabetes in our family.

In addition, I was taking psychotropic drugs. During the year of college entrance examination, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which also affects metabolism in the body.

  My mental problems caused me to take medication, and the endocrine and metabolic balance in my body was disrupted.

Most drugs are metabolized by the liver. Obesity caused me to have fatty liver, and psychotropic drugs caused my liver function to be not very good.

Obesity, mood, and organ dysfunction may make diabetes more likely.

  My attending doctor is also my teacher. He told me that since the treatment of mental illness cannot be stopped, I can slowly lose weight through diet and exercise.

  In fact, mood swings also have an impact on the occurrence of this disease.

  I have been adjusting my emotions during my freshman year because I was not satisfied with the school I was admitted to.

I was no longer underweight in my freshman year, but during military training I had at least two cups of milk tea and fruit tea a day, and maybe one cup a day after that.

  Now I take medicine three times a day, taught myself simple massage, and take medicine regularly, and I feel much better.

Adjusting diabetes at home mainly depends on consciousness.

In your diet, you must control the amount of staple food, eat less, do not drink sweet drinks, and only drink plain water.

Be sure to say no to drinks, even sugar-free drinks, including many yogurts on the market.

  Sugar-free means that there is no white sugar or fructose syrup, and no less sugar substitute is used, so the sweetness will not be produced out of thin air.

Eating these foods high in sugar substitutes will increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

There was a diabetic patient in the hospital where I was interning. His family came to see him and bought sugar-free biscuits, thinking that he could eat a lot of them. In the end, he ate a whole box of biscuits and developed ketoacidosis after eating them.

  When I gave a science lecture to the community before, I said that rice is sugar. Many aunties in the community thought it was strange, why is rice sugar?

Rice is a carbohydrate and will be hydrolyzed into glucose. If the body cannot use the excess glucose in time, it will automatically be converted into fat and you will become fat. When it reaches a certain threshold, the fat is enough and the body has nothing to do. When it is completely metabolized, the pancreatic islet cells in the body are unable to secrete insulin.

  Exercise appropriately and keep your mood relaxed.

I regret it now because I didn’t gain 80 pounds all of a sudden.

When I was not that heavy, I could actually choose running for exercise. Now that I am nearly 200 pounds, my knees and legs will be very tired.

  Many elderly diseases are now affecting younger people.

When many young people are diagnosed with diabetes, they feel as if the sky is falling.

But I'm not that sad. When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I had exhausted all my sad emotions.

I will try my best to do things that make me happy. For example, I like to listen to music to improve my mood. I can't keep focusing on the fact that I have diabetes.

I am going back to the hospital for internship soon, and I need to take my medication regularly and in sync with my insulin just like I do at home.

  I know many patients who hide the fact that they have the disease.

Including many muscular bodybuilders, there are also people with diabetes.

Many people feel ashamed and feel that they should not suffer from a chronic disease at such a young age.

Today's society is fast-paced and people face various pressures. In fact, everyone may get this disease.

“I didn’t cry when I was diagnosed, but I cried when I stopped taking the medicine.”

  Zhang Liwen, 32 years old, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 4 months ago

  Before my diagnosis, I lived an irregular life for three years.

My wife and I used to do food shopping, and we couldn't eat enough every day.

For three meals a day, we rarely cook ourselves. We usually order takeout or eat out. Occasionally we will eat snacks and cakes while lying in bed at night.

I still have the habit of drinking and rarely exercise.

I weighed less than 160 kilograms before. In the past three years, my weight has reached a maximum of about 210 kilograms.

  I was full at that time, but after a while I wanted to eat snacks, fruits, fried skewers and barbecue and other high-carbohydrate and high-sugar foods.

This symptom lasted for half a year before the diagnosis. At that time, I was still sleepy, crying and yawning.

  In June and July last year, my weight dropped by 10 pounds for no reason. Because I had a relatively large base, I didn't feel anything abnormal.

  My wife had polycystic cysts, an early symptom of diabetes, and she gained 30 pounds at the time.

If you don’t check your blood sugar, you may not find out you have diabetes for decades.

Later, her physical examination revealed high blood sugar, and the endocrinologist said she had insulin resistance.

(Note: Insulin cannot make glucose in the blood enter cells, cannot lower blood sugar normally, and insulin sensitivity is reduced, which is called insulin resistance.)

  In early August last year, I was diagnosed with a second positive test, and it happened to be a physical examination at the company. The fasting blood sugar test showed that it was 18, but the normal value is 4.4 to 6.1.

The physical examination center called me and asked me to go to the hospital for a follow-up examination immediately. I went the next day and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

  At first, the doctor looked up at the corners of his mouth, but when the test results came out and the doctor said it was indeed hyperglycemia and that he might need to be hospitalized, the smile on his face was gone.

  At lunchtime that day, I made an appointment with a friend to meet at the food court. I stood in the shopping mall and looked at all the stores, and found that none of them had something I could eat. I was very panicked. At that moment, I felt like the sky was falling.

  When I was hospitalized, I was surrounded by middle-aged and elderly people, and I was the only young person.

Everyone will ask, why did you get diabetes at such a young age?

  The daily routine in the hospital starts at 7 o'clock in the morning, blood sugar is measured 7 times a day, insulin is given 3 times before meals, and another long-acting insulin is given before going to bed.

A comprehensive physical examination will be done in the first two days to check for any complications.

  The amount of insulin injected every day is determined based on the fasting blood sugar and post-meal blood sugar of each meal that day. There are two or three days during which the amount is increased. The nurse will also give some nerve-nutrition and hypoglycemic drugs.

There was no obvious change on the first day of taking insulin. On the afternoon of the second day, the blood sugar level dropped to 11 or 12.

It dropped to 10 again on the third day.

  Like most people, I was worried about having to take insulin for the rest of my life.

I am not averse to insulin, but I have to carry it with me at all times for work and social interactions, so storage is a problem.

  After three or four days of treatment in the hospital, my blood sugar became relatively stable. After a week of hospitalization, the doctor discharged me.

After being discharged from the hospital, I cooked three meals a day at home. My wife stopped working full-time after she became ill.

Now we eat simply and distribute protein and vitamins reasonably.

  When I was hospitalized, I started exercising, skipping rope, or jogging three to five kilometers around the hospital building. I found that after 40 minutes of exercise, my blood sugar could drop a little, which made me very energetic and I have persisted until now.

Three days a week I go out for a 20-kilometer bike ride in the morning, and when I’m busy I also jog three to five kilometers in the evening.

When I was diagnosed, I was 183 centimeters tall and 210 pounds, and now I am about 165 pounds.

  You may think that diabetes is only acquired by the elderly and does not cause much harm to your younger self. However, if it accumulates to a certain extent, it can be devastating, with complications including blindness and amputation.

  My grandfather and uncle have a history of the disease, but our family still doesn’t know enough about the disease.

  My grandfather was diagnosed with diabetes and complications in 1995, when he was 60 years old.

At that time, the income was not high, and chronic diseases were not covered by medical insurance. The elderly were reluctant to spend money, and treatment was relatively casual, so the condition deteriorated quickly. He died of this about four or five years ago, and he also had two eye surgeries along the way; my uncle He also has diabetes, but we had an in-depth communication with him some time ago and found that he is still not meticulous enough in controlling his sugar.

  After I came out, my condition got better and better.

I will go to the hospital for follow-up visits every month.

On the 50th day after diagnosis, I went for a follow-up visit.

My blood sugar was under good control at that time, and the doctor suggested that I stop taking the medicine and monitor my blood sugar. But I was still conservative at that time, so the doctor asked me to reduce the dosage of medicine by half first.

  On the 85th day, I stopped taking the medicine.

I didn’t cry when I was diagnosed, but I cried when I stopped taking the medication.

During the follow-up visit, the chief physician said that this was not a big medical miracle.

  My wife is getting better too.

Her period was irregular before. During the hottest period of summer, it would not come for two or three months, but would come for a month. She was very weak. The doctor also recommended her to lose weight first, and she later lost 30 pounds.

Now I feel more energetic and energetic, and my period is normal.

  When we were making short videos, we found that the age of many fans who were sick was quite shocking.

There are people diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 12, and there are also newborn children. I suddenly felt that it is not a disease that is far away from us.

  We receive a lot of private messages and comments on our social accounts every day. Some people are confused and some are anxious. Many patients have clearly controlled their diets strictly and exercised regularly. Why can’t their blood sugar levels go down?

There are also people who don’t know whether they have the disease, and after watching our video, they voluntarily went to the hospital to check it out.

  The most impressive thing was when a fan said that she was preparing to have a baby, but her blood sugar was very bad.

In this case, if she is forced by family or society to have a child, it may be fatal to her and have consequences for her next generation.

  Nowadays, many young people are busy with work and neglect their bodies.

I think you have to live for yourself, and work is just a part of life.

  (To protect the privacy of the interviewees, the names of the characters in this article are pseudonyms.)

  (The Paper reporter Yuan Lu and intern Xue Yuting)