Teller Report

Zegona requests authorization from the CNMC to buy Vodafone Spain

1/19/2024, 10:55:48 AM

Highlights: Zegona requests authorization from the CNMC to buy Vodafone Spain. The British group hopes to take control of the company in the first quarter of 2024. The request for approval before the regulatory body was sent last Tuesday, but was not made public until this Friday. The CNMC usually takes around a month to approve or not an operation of this type, which, predictably, will be resolved by simple means, without requiring an in-depth analysis as it is the third player in the market.

The investment fund Zegona has begun the formal authorization process to acquire Vodafone Spain by notifying the operation to the National Commission of...

José M. Rodríguez Silva

Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-11:40

  • Interview Eammon O'Hare, president of Zegona: "We will invest 3,000 million in Vodafone Spain in four years"

The Zegona

investment fund

has begun the formal authorization process to acquire Vodafone Spain by notifying the operation to the

National Markets and Competition Commission


The British group hopes to take control of the company in

the first quarter of 2024

, although it must obtain the green light from the


and other authorizations in


in order to close the operation.

According to the records consulted by EL MUNDO, the request for approval before the regulatory body was sent last Tuesday, but was not made public until this Friday.


usually takes around a month

to approve or not an operation of this type, which, predictably, will be resolved by simple means, without requiring an in-depth analysis as it is the third player in the market and does not imply a greater concentration of the same.


will pay 5,000 million euros

for Vodafone Spain and plans to give a radical twist to the operations that the British company has been carrying out in recent years and which has caused a gradual drop in income and loss of customers, especially in the fixed segment. .

The notification comes shortly after Brussels has denied Zegona the possibility of Orange and MásMóvil transferring customers to the operator as part of their merger, an operation that, for its part, seems increasingly close to closing and receiving the approval of the community competition authority.