Teller Report

my country's health consumption improvement and upgrading market potential is accelerated

1/19/2024, 12:25:22 AM

Highlights: my country's health consumption improvement and upgrading market potential is accelerated. Health needs are changing from single medical service needs to disease prevention, health promotion, health care and rehabilitation, etc. Euromonitor data shows that the total retail sales of the vitamin and dietary supplement industry in 2022 will be approximately 200.1 billion yuan, an increase of 19.8% compared with before the epidemic. Health and wellness consumption in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Chengdu was the most popular.

Healthy consumption accelerates quality improvement and upgrading

  With the expansion of consumption scenarios, the increase in the supply of services and products, and the gradual improvement of top-level design, more professional health consumption will emerge and become an important engine for future economic development.

  Home testing, health food, nourishing health... In recent years, with the improvement of living standards and changes in lifestyle, people's understanding of health is increasing, and health needs are changing from single medical service needs to disease prevention, health promotion, health care and rehabilitation, etc. Diversified demand changes, and the potential of the health consumption market is accelerated.

According to the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline, by 2030, the output value of my country's health industry will reach 16 trillion yuan, and the big health industry will become the industry with the most development potential in the 21st century.

Health consumption demand surges

  Yang Hua, a 28-year-old resident of Chaoyang District, Beijing, works in a cultural company.

"I am mainly engaged in copywriting work, and I often need to work overtime to write manuscripts. Because my work efficiency is higher in the dead of night, I used to start writing at 10 o'clock every night, go to bed at two or three o'clock in the morning the next morning, and get up at 10 o'clock in the morning." Yang Hua said that after working for a few years, he felt that his health had declined, and he developed hair loss, insomnia and other symptoms.

"Now, in addition to adjusting my work and rest schedule, I also take multivitamins, coenzyme Q10, fish oil and other health products, hoping to improve my sleep and improve my immunity."

  In recent years, more and more people like Yang Hua have joined the ranks of purchasing health consumer products.

Euromonitor data shows that the total retail sales of the vitamin and dietary supplement industry in 2022 will be approximately 200.1 billion yuan, an increase of 19.8% compared with before the epidemic, and an increase of 100.7% compared with 2013, showing the strong growth of the industry.

On August 31, 2023, Meituan's "Love Health" live broadcast room, which mainly promotes health service products, was launched in 54 cities across the country. The live broadcast transaction volume exceeded 100 million yuan that day. Health and wellness consumption in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Chengdu was the most popular. .

  It is worth noting that health consumption also shows an obvious trend of online and standardization.

"Buy a group package online, and then go to the store for optometry and glasses. You can not only try on and adjust according to your own situation, but also get cost-effective glasses." Wang Ru, a college student born in the 2000s, introduced herself to reporters Tips for saving money.

Data provided by Meituan shows that from July to August, when sales of optical services will be the highest in 2023, searches for "optical packages" on the platform increased by 280% year-on-year.

Through online and offline joint operations, the business of physical optical stores has seen new growth.

Take Vision Alliance as an example. During the summer vacation of 2023, the company's more than 490 stores in 88 cities across the country launched a 299 yuan "domestic 1.60 anti-blue light glasses package" on Meituan, and the order volume increased by more than 70% year-on-year.

  The fact that health consumption has become a "rigorous need" reflects the formation of people's health concept and the importance they attach to health.

Zhang Yongjian, director of the Food and Drug Industry Development and Supervision Research Center of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that one of the spillover effects of the epidemic is that the public pays more attention to their own health.

Reports show that searches for health food have increased significantly in recent years, which reflects that more consumers are paying attention to health food.

In the future, as the concept of healthy living is accepted by more people and health products and technologies continue to make breakthroughs and innovations, these will accelerate the release of demand in the health consumer market.

Health management is more popular

  "During the 'Double 11' period in 2023, I purchased a high-end physical examination package for my parents, which included in-depth screening of some specific major diseases and professional report interpretation services." Li Yu, 35, told reporters that after the epidemic, his last What I worry about is my parents’ health.

"Many diseases have no obvious symptoms in the early stages, but physical examinations can detect early lesions and achieve early diagnosis and treatment. In the past two years, I have insisted on doing an in-depth physical examination for my parents every year. After all, health is more important than anything else." Li Yu said that in the past, It was about “treating the disease”, but now it is about “treating the disease before it’s too late” and strengthening one’s own health management.

  The reporter learned that in recent years, the aging of the population has placed more emphasis on the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and other diseases, driving the growth of the health management market. The focus of health management has also extended from disease treatment to disease prevention.

The "2023 National Health Insight Report" released by Dr. Dingxiang shows that 98% of the respondents have health problems, and health management behaviors with the main purpose of preventing problems in the bud have become a mainstream trend, with an average of 4.3 health management behaviors per capita.

The top three health concerns are poor skin condition, emotional problems and poor sleep.

In addition, hair loss, respiratory problems, thyroid problems, and heart problems also account for a large proportion.

Among the respondents, the average per capita number of major health behaviors of those born in the 1980s, 1970s, and 1960s reached or exceeded 5.

  "The role of health management is greater than simple disease treatment. With the awakening of active health awareness, preventive medicine will face major opportunities in the future. Early disease screening, intelligent diagnosis, precise prevention and other models will become the focus of health consumption." Meinian Health Yu Rong, chairman of the group, took the physical examination industry as an example. In recent years, more than 50% of customers undergoing physical examinations have been diagnosed with pulmonary nodules. Most customers are worried about "whether the nodules will grow in the future, whether there are risks, "Do I need surgery?" etc. At this time, what we need to provide is a complete set of services including antibody testing, intelligent analysis, expert connection, etc., instead of just a simple physical examination service.

  "Facing the new trend of health consumption, companies must take advantage of the trend and accelerate product innovation and change." Yu Rong introduced that the company promoted the upgrade of health examinations to closed-loop health management services, and introduced AI diagnosis of stroke and brain cognition, and pulmonary nodules. and a series of industry innovative products such as coronary artery AI diagnosis, breast ultrasound AI diagnosis, and ultrasound AI quality control, striving to build a digital health management platform.

For example, the pulmonary nodule screening product "Fei Jie Ning" will provide remote AI film reading and remote diagnosis by doctors from tertiary hospitals for subjects diagnosed with small pulmonary nodules. Once a malignant case is discovered, a first-level warning will be activated immediately. Assist customers to connect with top tertiary hospitals, provide insurance solutions, and truly achieve full-process closed-loop management based on customer needs and pain points.

The trend of family-based diagnosis and treatment is obvious

  Recently, 50-year-old Liu Hua suffered from unexplained abdominal pain. The doctor recommended a colonoscopy, but he resisted, thinking that the symptoms were not serious and unnecessary.

When I participated in a physical examination organized by the unit, I saw that the physical examination institution had a non-invasive early screening product for colorectal cancer, which can be performed painlessly, non-invasively and at home, so I immediately took a sample for screening.

A few days later, Liu Hua received the test report showing it was positive and recommended going to the hospital for further diagnosis.

In the end, Liu Hua was diagnosed with early-stage intestinal cancer. Due to timely detection, no metastasis occurred, and she fully recovered after surgery.

  It is not just an early detection technology for bowel cancer. It can complete oral intelligent diagnosis within 5 seconds through panoramic imaging and predict oral progress in the next 10 years. Through high-resolution brain volume MRI scanning and neuropsychological intelligent assessment, it can diagnose 5 years in advance. Revealing the potential risks of subjects from 2010 to 2010... The reporter learned that with the diversification of health consumption needs and the obvious trend of personalization, a large number of products that can meet the health needs in family scenarios are popular in the market, extending the diagnosis and treatment scenarios from hospitals to family.

  "The fast-paced work life has made immediacy and mobile scenarios a new trend in personal testing, and has also promoted the accelerated popularization of home testing and self-testing for early cancer screening." Zhu Yeqing, chairman and CEO of Novo Health, said in an interview with reporters The first user testing data report released by Novo Health recently showed that 83.2% of those who tested positive for non-invasive early screening for colon cancer and had abnormal colonoscopy tests were precancerous lesions. This shows that asymptomatic screening is an important factor in preventing and treating certain cancers. important means of disease.

"Early cancer screening can be completed in multiple scenarios such as hospitals and homes, which is in line with market rules. Home screening and testing services must be an important direction for the development of the health industry." Zhu Yeqing said.

  "Consumption upgrading in subdivided scenarios is improving the quality of family health and life in more detail." Feng Wenmeng, a researcher at the Social Development Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that with the broadening of consumption scenarios, the increase in the supply of services and products, and the gradual improvement of top-level design, More professional health consumption will emerge and become an important engine for future economic development.

(Our reporter Wu Jiajia)

  Source: Economic Daily