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Huawei announced! This year ordinary users will be able to use Hongmeng native applications

1/19/2024, 3:15:57 PM

Highlights: Huawei announced! This year ordinary users will be able to use Hongmeng native applications. On the 18th, at theHongmeng Eco Thousand Sails Set Sail conference, Hongm Eng officially released HarmonyOS NEXT. HongmEng Galaxy Edition will achieve six native experiences: native refinement, native ease of use, native smoothness, native security, native intelligence, and native interconnection. There are currently more than 200 head applications accelerating the development of Hongmen native. The number of Hong meng ecological devices has grown to 800 million. 380,000+ developers have passed Hongm eng certification.

  China News Service, January 18 (China News reporter Wu Tao) "In the fourth quarter of this year, Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will be available to ordinary users, that is, it will be officially commercialized." On the 18th, at the Hongmeng Eco Thousand Sails Set Sail conference, Hongmeng officially released HarmonyOS NEXT, Hongmeng Galaxy Edition.

  Hongmeng officially releases HarmonyOS NEXT.

Photo by Wu Tao, China News Service

  According to reports, Hongmeng Galaxy Edition will achieve six native experiences: native refinement, native ease of use, native smoothness, native security, native intelligence, and native interconnection.

  Yu Chengdong, Huawei's Managing Director, CEO of Terminal BG, and Chairman of Smart Car Solutions BU, said at the scene that as of now, the number of Hongmeng ecological devices has grown to 800 million, and there are currently more than 200 head applications accelerating the development of Hongmeng native.

  In addition, it is reported that Hongmeng campus open courses have been introduced to 135 universities, 305 university students have participated in Hongmeng activities, 286 companies have participated in Hongmeng Ecological School, and 380,000+ developers have passed Hongmeng certification.

  Meituan is one of the first partners to join Hongmeng Ecosystem, and is also a pioneer in the development of multi-module collaborative design in Hongmeng Ecosystem.

It only took Meituan 6 weeks to complete the core functions of the first Hongmeng Galaxy version and successfully order the first "Hongmeng Takeout".

  It is worth noting that the Hongmeng native APP is different from other system APPs currently on the market. For example, the Tongcheng Travel on-site display said that the Tongcheng Travel APP is the first APP to implement the Hongmeng native translucent theme, allowing users to purchase tickets and book tickets. A smoother interactive experience is provided during the hotel booking process, making the user's itinerary planning and travel product booking process smoother.

  Zhou Hongyi, founder and chairman of 360 Group, called on everyone to join the Hongmeng Ecosystem. He said that in the future, many high-quality applications under 360 will join the Hongmeng Ecosystem, bringing a smoother, smarter and safer user experience.
