Teller Report

The Investigative Committee opened a case against the head of the Uzbek community because of words about SVO fighters

1/18/2024, 3:45:59 PM

Highlights: The Investigative Committee opened a case against the head of the Uzbek community because of words about SVO fighters. Usman Baratov is suspected of inciting hatred or enmity or humiliation of human dignity. Earlier, the leaders of Uzbek national-cultural organizations in Russia condemned Bar atov’s words about the military being on a special operation. “A criminal case has been opened in Moscow against UsmanBaratov,” the statement says. The head of. the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed the head. of the Main Investigations Directorate for Moscow, Andrei Strizhov, to initiate a. criminal case on this fact.

The Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia opened a criminal case against the head of the unregistered interregional organization of the Uzbek community “Vatandosh” Usman Baratov because of his statements about the military being on a special operation.

“A criminal case has been opened in Moscow against Usman Baratov,” the statement says.

It is noted that Baratov is suspected of inciting hatred or enmity or humiliation of human dignity.

Earlier, the leaders of Uzbek national-cultural organizations in Russia condemned Baratov’s words about the military being on a special operation.

The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed the head of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Moscow, Andrei Strizhov, to initiate a criminal case on this fact and submit a report on the progress of the investigation.