Teller Report

South Africa recalls its history of struggle

1/18/2024, 9:05:26 PM

Highlights: South Africa recalls its history of struggle. The lawsuit filed in the International Court of Justice regarding Israel’s commission of genocide is a recall of the issue of apartheid that the people of South Africa suffered for a long time. Israel was a major supporter of the apartheid regime, which makes it an appropriate time for the current authority to repay the debt to them. There are many commonalities between the struggle of the South African people and the Palestinian people, which played a major role in South Africa assuming this role that history will record for it.

After the world failed to take any action to deter Israel from committing massacres, bombing the Palestinians, starving them, and preventing access to water and medicine, South Africa filed a lawsuit against it before the International Court of Justice. Why did this country take the initiative?

The lawsuit filed in the International Court of Justice regarding Israel’s commission of genocide is a recall of the issue of apartheid that the people of South Africa suffered for a long time (Anatolia)

On December 29, 2023 - after 83 days of the world’s failure to take executive measures to deter the Zionist entity from committing live-streamed massacres - the State of South Africa filed a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice, accusing Israel of committing the crime of genocide against humanity, through bombing. Palestinians, starving them, and preventing access to water and medicine.

The question arises: Why was South Africa alone in filing the lawsuit against Israel?

To answer this question, we must recall the history of South Africa’s struggle that led to the taking away of the rights of its people despite the West’s support for that racist regime at the time.

The lawsuit filed in the International Court of Justice regarding the commission of the crime of genocide is considered a recall of the issue of apartheid, which the people of South Africa suffered from for a long time, and struggled to achieve their goals by abolishing this racist system, which was achieved in 1994, that is, after 66 years. years after it was imposed on them.

Apartheid took place through European immigration to South Africa, and Israel was also created through the immigration of Jews from all over the world to Palestine, under false religious claims and the displacement of its original inhabitants.

There are many commonalities between the struggle of the South African people and the Palestinian people, which played a major role in South Africa assuming this role that history will record for it, including:

  • Apartheid began in South Africa in 1948, that is, simultaneously with the occupation of Palestine and the persecution and displacement of its people.

  • Apartheid is apartheid based on race and color. Likewise, Israel practices abhorrent racism from a religious standpoint as it is the state of the world's Jews.

  • Apartheid took place through European immigration to South Africa, and Israel was created through the immigration of Jews from all over the world to Palestine, under false religious claims and the displacement of its original inhabitants.

  • The rights of the indigenous people of South Africa were not recognized, and today the Palestinians, owners of the land, are without rights, despite the signing of the Oslo Accords, which were merely ink on paper.

  • South Africa produced historical leaders who suffered greatly from the oppression of the racist regime, the most important of whom was the historical leader Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for 27 years.

    The Palestinian struggle also produced historical leaders such as the leader Yasser Arafat, who was besieged in the province and died of poisoning there, as well as the martyr Ahmed Yassin and Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Rantisi.

  • Both racist situations arose through Britain and Western support, far from the right of self-determination for peoples, human rights and democracy.

  • The abolition of the apartheid system took place after a bitter struggle for which the people of South Africa paid dearly, and was not presented to them on a golden platter. Likewise, the Palestinians are struggling to this day, a right guaranteed by all international laws to establish their independent state that was stolen from them, and they are paying the price for this liberation in blood, migration and displacement.

  • Israel was a major supporter of the apartheid regime, which makes it an appropriate time for the current authority to repay the debt to them.

Public opinion questions

There are many other important questions that public opinion also raises, including:

  • Weren't Arabs and Muslims who are linked to the Palestinians by ties of kinship, race, religion, and common history more deserving of filing the lawsuit?

  • Why did countries that claim to embrace the values ​​of democracy, human rights, and the right of peoples to self-determination neglect to be the ones demanding this?

  • Why didn't we see Russia, China, and even the Brexit countries doing this?

  • Why was the United Nations founded in the first place? Isn't it to protect mankind and humanity?

    Then, are the crimes of genocide, starvation, and bombing of hospitals and places of worship not considered a threat to international peace and security, or are their voices not louder than those of the countries with veto power in the Security Council?!

The truth is that this lawsuit submitted to the International Court of Justice frightens the oppressive authoritarian regimes that have committed - and are still committing - crimes similar to those in Gaza, and at the forefront of these regimes is the Assad regime, which committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, and forcibly disappeared hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

This lawsuit is also not welcomed by the great powers that have committed similar crimes, as everyone fears that the oppressed and oppressed peoples will benefit from shedding light on these crimes, and that countries will later dare to file such lawsuits, thus turning South Africa’s lawsuit into a standard case that can be compared to it. And prosecute those who commit similar crimes, as these crimes are not subject to the statute of limitations, no matter how long it takes since they were committed.

What comes after this lawsuit is not the same as before it. The Zionist entity was based on the narrative of the injustice of the Holocaust committed against the Jews, which made the founding fathers of Israel consider signing the court’s charter to be in their interest. But has the magic turned against the magician, and the genocide crimes committed by the Nazis against them decades ago have turned into To make them an unjust entity that is also hostile to the Semitic Palestinians, and commits the worst crimes in the eyes of world opinion, especially in the eyes of the young generation born after 2000, Generation Z?!

Source: Al Jazeera