Teller Report

Bundestag: Budget Committee approves budget for 2024

1/18/2024, 7:05:36 PM

Highlights: Bundestag: Budget Committee approves budget for 2024. There is an agreement in the budget dispute. However, nothing is expected to change in the highly controversial austerity measures. The Bundestag and Bundesrat are due to make a final decision on this at the beginning of February. The federal budget for the current year is in place. The budget committee decided on a budget with expenditure of around 476.8 billion euros and compliance with the debt brake. More soon at SPIEGEL.DE.

There is an agreement in the budget dispute. However, nothing is expected to change in the highly controversial austerity measures.

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Berlin: A folder is in the meeting room with the cleanup meeting of the Bundestag's budget committee

Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

After weeks of political wrangling and tough austerity decisions, the federal budget for the current year is in place.

In the evening, the Bundestag's budget committee decided on a budget with expenditure of around 476.8 billion euros and compliance with the debt brake.

The Bundestag and Bundesrat are due to make a final decision on this at the beginning of February.

More soon at SPIEGEL.DE
