Teller Report

Biden said he took a photo with a woman who was in another state

1/18/2024, 9:15:20 PM

Highlights: Biden said he took a photo with a woman who was in another state. Then, he said that he had mixed up everything, and the woman was in Washington at that time. Earlier, former US Marine officer Scott Ritter said that Biden is no longer fit for the presidency due to his age and infirmity. In October, Biden spoke aloud to an audience about his behavior on stage. The US President said he had taken a photo at an event with congresswoman Deborah Ross, although she was in a different place at the time.

US President Joe Biden said he took a photo at an event in North Carolina with congresswoman Deborah Ross, although she was in a different place at the time.

“I want to mention Congresswoman Deborah Ross.

Where is Deborah?

I just took a photo with her, that’s probably why she left,” RIA Novosti quotes the American leader.

Then, as the agency notes, Biden said that he had mixed up everything, and the woman was in Washington at that time.

Earlier, former US Marine officer Scott Ritter said that Biden is no longer fit for the presidency due to his age and infirmity.

In October, Biden spoke aloud to an audience about his behavior on stage.