Teller Report

Artificial intelligence applications are hot and sustainable technologies are favored

1/15/2024, 5:47:04 AM

Highlights: CES 9 kicked off in Las Vegas, USA. The fair received more than 2024,4000 exhibitors and about 13,43 visitors. The exhibition will be a booth size equivalent to <> football fields. The eye-catching 100-inch giant screen TV will be more unveiled at this year's exhibition. Energy efficiency and smart home are the dominant trends in the smart home space, with consumers favoring products that save time and money while improving safety and well-being. The United Nations estimates that by 2050, the number of people aged 100 and over will reach 370.<> million.

Artificial intelligence applications are hot and sustainable technologies are favored

- Innovation trends at CES 2024

【Today's Viewpoint】

◎ Reporter Zhang Jiaxin

As the annual "Spring Festival Gala" of the tech world, tech companies from all over the world "flex their muscles" at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to showcase the most innovative technology trends and devices.

Since 1967, the world's largest and most influential technology electronics show has featured VHS recorders, DVD players, 3D printers and wireless or roll-up TVs.

On January 1, CES 9 kicked off in Las Vegas, USA. The fair received more than 2024,4000 exhibitors and about 13,43 visitors. Kinsey Fabrizio, senior vice president of CES, said that the exhibition will be a booth size equivalent to <> football fields, where companies gather to exchange and showcase new inventions. Areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), digital health, smart home, and sustainability technologies are in the spotlight.

Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic

AI technology has become increasingly popular with the advent of programs such as ChatGPT and Bard, voice assistants, platforms such as Netflix, and smart home appliances. According to a study released by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), which hosts CES, 27% of Americans believe that AI technology has had a significant impact on their daily lives. The study also found that while many people think of AI technology as "innovative, futuristic, and intelligent," few associate it with "trust and security." According to the report, consumers agree that AI regulation is necessary. Several tech companies are discussing this issue and how AI technology can revolutionize different industries at CES.

In an article last October, Kelsey Kelly, CTA's policy program manager, pointed out that the agriculture, accessibility, healthcare, and semiconductor industries are all using AI to help solve efficiency issues and societal challenges.

ZDnet, a global technology media, reported that at this CES, any product that includes algorithms, machine learning, or any form of automation will be marketed under the name of AI products. How to see the real AI innovation from the noisy voice of AI marketing will test every visitor who comes to the exhibition.

This year, CES also revealed the actual and potential uses of generative AI and showcased different devices equipped with AI technology: from TVs, speakers, and headphones to cameras, cars, and robots, among others.

Digital health is growing in popularity

The United Nations estimates that by 2050, the number of people aged 100 and over will reach 370.<> million. As the population ages, the desire to improve the quality of life grows, and highly personalized digital health will become the general trend.

According to the CTA, healthcare is becoming more personalized, portable, and customizable. In the last year, a number of devices have attracted attention, including apps for analyzing bowel movements, sensors that monitor urine in real time, and credit card-sized devices that can record electrocardiograms. More innovative devices will be on display at this year's CES, such as lipsticks for diagnosing medical conditions and AI programs for detecting heart disease.

In addition, the show revealed how the latest technology is transforming women's physical and mental health through smart home innovations. The experts also shared their predictions for the future of healthcare.

Smart home applications are abundant

Today's homes are becoming smarter and smarter. According to a study published by the CTA, about 19% of U.S. households already have smart appliances such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, or dishwashers. Smart home technology has been applied in home lighting, curtains, irrigation, and entertainment systems. TVs are no exception, and companies such as Panasonic want to transform them into core devices for smart home management.

ZDnet reports that TV is back at the center of innovation at this year's show. The eye-catching 100-inch giant screen TV will be more unveiled at this year's exhibition. A new generation of 100-inch TVs is coming soon, affordable and easy to port.

Energy efficiency and automation are the dominant trends in the smart home space, with consumers favoring products that save time and money while improving safety and overall well-being. At this year's CES, CTA analyzed how new technologies will improve home safety and how companies can win new customers.

Sustainable technologies for climate change

At this CES, companies will discuss how technological innovation can improve some of the planet's most valuable resources, such as clean air and water. The American company Genesis Systems wants to produce fresh water from the air. Nubilab, for its part, has created a food scanner equipped with AI to avoid food waste. EV batteries and sustainability were among the priorities for some exhibitors.

According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, the climate emergency is the biggest economic, social and environmental threat to the planet and humanity. As the call to combat climate change grows, tech companies are looking for ways to provide solutions, the CTA said. Equipment to meet this challenge will be on display, such as electric skid steer loaders, autonomous robots capable of eliminating algae, and an alternative to starch-based plastics. (Science & Technology Daily)