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Passenger plane window panel accident US Federal Aviation Administration "Other manufacturing problems"

1/12/2024, 10:45:52 PM

Highlights: Passenger plane window panel accident US Federal Aviation Administration "Other manufacturing problems". [NHK] Regarding the accident in which the window panel was blown off during the flight on a passenger plane operated by Alaska Airlines in the United States, FAA = The head of the Federal aviation Administration is a.... FAA = Michael Whitaker said in an interview with the US media, "It seems that there are other manufacturing problems" FAA announced new measures to strengthen monitoring, such as expanding the scope to include production lines and suppliers. Boeing said, "We will cooperate with regulators fully and transparently. We are taking action throughout the production system"

[NHK] Regarding the accident in which the window panel was blown off during the flight on a passenger plane operated by Alaska Airlines in the United States, FAA = The head of the Federal Aviation Administration is a ...

Regarding the accident in which the window panel was blown off during the flight on a passenger aircraft operated by Alaska Airlines in the United States, the head of the FAA = Federal Aviation Administration said in an interview with the US media, "It seems that there are other manufacturing problems" and indicated the idea of strengthening monitoring.

On the 5th over Oregon in the western United States, the panel of the rear window part of the passenger seat of the passenger plane Boeing 737 MAX 9 operated by Alaska Airlines was blown off, and the passenger plane made an emergency landing.

Regarding this accident, FAA = US Federal Aviation Administration Director Michael Whitaker said in an interview with the American economic channel CNBC on the 12th, "The aircraft that had the accident was a new aircraft that had been shipped from the production line for less than three months, but it had a serious problem."

On top of that, he said, "It seems that there are other manufacturing problems," and indicated his intention to strengthen monitoring.

The FAA has already begun investigating the same type of aircraft, but on the 3th, it announced new measures to strengthen monitoring, such as expanding the scope to include production lines and suppliers.

In a statement, Whitaker said, 'This accident and multiple manufacturing problems that have occurred in the past few years show that it is necessary to consider all options to reduce risk,' and Boeing's inspection system and quality system It was also revealed that it was considering the use of an independent third-party organization to oversee the inspection system and quality system.

Boeing "fully and transparently cooperating with regulators"

Regarding the accident in which the window panel was blown off during the flight on a passenger plane operated by Alaska Airlines in the United States, FAA = US Federal Aviation Administration announced on the 12th a new measure to strengthen surveillance of Boeing, which manufactures the aircraft, Boeing said, "We will cooperate with regulators fully and transparently. We are taking action throughout the production system."