Teller Report

What are the best ways to treat attention, concentration and listening difficulties in children?

1/10/2024, 10:45:32 PM

Highlights: Concentration and listening disorder is a behavioral disorder experienced by children. This disorder affects poor academic performance and negatively affects their daily lives. Every day a child should have enough time for entertainment to practice his hobbies so that he does not feel constant pressure. Children with concentration difficulties should be given more time to complete school assignments. There are many games that help children increase their concentration levels, including memory games for children, and puzzles. If the previous methods do not work, listening and concentration can be treated with drugs, which work for a short period of time.

Concentration and listening disorder is a behavioral disorder experienced by children. This disorder affects poor academic performance and negatively affects their daily lives. Therefore, parents and teachers should know its causes and methods of treatment.

Every day a child should have enough time for entertainment to practice his hobbies so that he does not feel constant pressure (Getty Images)

Concentration and listening disorder is a behavioral disorder that many children suffer from, but it should not be certain that every child who shows symptoms of lack of concentration or impulsivity necessarily suffers from this disorder.

This disorder is reflected in the child's academic performance, and sometimes negatively affects his daily life. Therefore, parents and teachers should know and deal with the causes that lead to poor concentration, in addition to following effective methods that help children increase concentration, to improve their performance.

Child and adolescent psychologist Karina Kaadi told Al Jazeera Net that listening and concentration disorders are not a stand-alone disorder, and are often accompanied by a number of problems in the child, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and challenge disorder.

A child may be very inattentive and suffer from severe deficits of attention and concentration (Getty Images)

What are the types of listening and concentration disorders?

According to Kaadi, listening, attention and concentration disorders can be divided into 3 subtypes:

  • Attention deficit disorder: Often in this type, the child is very inattentive, and suffers from severe lack of attention and concentration.
  • Hyperactivity disorder: In this type, the child is hyperactive and very impulsive.
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: In this case, the child can suffer from attention deficit and hyperactivity together.
  • It should be noted that children who show symptoms of disorder in listening and concentration, without symptoms of hyperactivity, are characterized by their calm and lethargy.

    A child's exposure to violence or difficult experiences can be a cause of poor ability to concentrate (Getty Images)

    What causes poor concentration?

    Kaadi continues her explanation, stressing that there are reasons that lead to poor concentration, the most important of which are:

    • Anxiety: Anxiety results from several reasons related to the family or the child, such as the fear of separation from the parents, or the fear of being embarrassed.
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder: This disorder affects concentration significantly, and is often seen in children in primary school.
    • Exposure to emotional trauma: Exposure to violence sometimes or difficult and disturbing experiences in children generates a sense of insecurity and may be a cause of poor ability to concentrate.

      Promoting a child's positive attitudes helps him overcome the difficulties he faces (Getty Images)

    Treatment methods

    Kaadi explains that behavioral therapy, which is based on helping a child organize his lifestyle in several ways, can be adopted:

    • Maintain a consistent lifestyle at a consistent pace: help them organize the environment in which they live, and arrange the tools they use daily. It is possible for the child to develop a daily program for himself.
    • Promoting positive attitudes of the child: This helps him overcome the difficulties he faces, and keeps his focus high and directed. It is also important to always show love and kindness to the child.
    • Playing games that develop concentration: There are many games that help children increase their concentration levels, including memory games for children, and puzzles.
    • Reduce screen time: Children's concentration levels usually drop when they spend too much time in front of a screen.
    • Set a work schedule: Parents should set a schedule for their children, including time to do homework, as routines help reduce concentration problems over time.
    • Give your child a break: Guidelines for providing breaks for a child are not limited to home, but teachers should also consider providing a rest period for a child with a concentration problem, so that he can regain his focus.
    • Need to save extra time and reduce homework: Children with concentration difficulties should be given more time to complete school assignments. This group of children should not have too much homework.
    • Doctor's consultation: If the previous methods do not work, listening and concentration disorders can be treated with stimulant drugs, after medical consultation, which work for a short period of time in 70% of children with this disorder, and an improvement in behavior and mental abilities can be observed when taking these drugs, however, it varies from one child to another, and therefore the drugs can be completely different as well, and this is determined by the specialist doctor.

    Make sure your child sleeps 8 to 9 hours a day so that he can focus on studying in the morning (Getty Images)

    Necessary tips

    Psychotherapist Margaret Nichols, director of the Center for Children and Families at the Ericsson Institute in Chicago, advises parents to be fully clear with their child with ADHD, according to a report published by the site "Berntz". It offers the following tips:

    • Dealing with a hyperactive child can be difficult, as they are unstable, move from one activity to another with unlimited energy, and have difficulty listening or following directions.
    • Parents must deal with him with full awareness and patience, and his performance may be poor in school, get the lowest grades and cause behavioral problems, so you must insist that the child look at you when you explain something to him, to divide the information in small and easy parts, and make him repeat every step behind you.
    • Writing instructions can also help the child follow them, as they can refer to the menu to help move their memory.
    • Make sure the child understands that he is not being punished, and tell him that the space you have allocated for him will help him focus, and encourage him to participate.
    • It is essential not to punish the child for failing to complete the to-do list within a specific period of time, but to give them the freedom to complete tasks in any order instead of starting from the top down.
    • A child with this disorder needs a healthy diet that is appropriate for his nervous state, as he should eat food rich in vitamins and proteins and stay away as much as possible from eating junk foods.
    • He must have enough time to entertain on a daily basis, in which he practices his favorite hobbies, so that he finds time for himself to entertain and does not feel constant pressure.
    • Providing the appropriate atmosphere and keeping away distractions that may catch his eye, with the presence of time management, which is one of the best ways to treat lack of concentration in studying in children, as the child must be helped to organize his time well.
    • The mother should help her child sleep on a fixed date every day, and make sure that he sleeps 8 to 9 hours a day, so that he gets enough rest so that he can focus in the morning on studying.

    Source : Al Jazeera + Websites