Teller Report

Ride-sharing Tokyo taxi industry group presents its own draft guidelines

1/10/2024, 10:26:21 AM

Highlights: Ride-sharing Tokyo taxi industry group presents its own draft guidelines. In response to the conditional introduction of "ride sharing" in which ordinary drivers use their own cars to transport people for a fee from April, Tokyo has proposed its own guidelines. The government has indicated that it will introduce it in April, limited to areas and times where there is a shortage of taxis, subject to operation management by taxi companies. Drivers will sign employment contracts with taxi companies such as part-time workers, the group says.

[NHK] In response to the conditional introduction of "ride sharing" in which ordinary drivers use their own cars to transport people for a fee from April, Tokyo ...

In response to the conditional introduction of "ride-sharing," in which ordinary drivers use their own cars to transport people for a fee, from April, a taxi industry group in Tokyo has proposed its own guidelines and called on member taxi companies to enter the market.

This was revealed at a press conference by Ichiro Kawanabe, chairman of the Tokyo Hire Taxi Association, which is a member of taxi companies in Tokyo.

In this context, Chairman Kawanabe expressed the idea that while the existing taxi business will expand the number of employees amid the growing shortage of taxis, ride-sharing will take on the responsibility of making up for the shortage of drivers during peak hours such as morning and evening.

On top of that, we published a draft of our own guidelines for ride-sharing by member taxi companies.

Specifically, in addition to limiting dispatch and payment to apps,

to ensure safety, it will be equipped with a drive recorder that can communicate with the outside
▽ Drivers will sign
employment contracts with taxi companies such as part-time workers.

With regard to "ride-sharing," the government has indicated that it will introduce it in April, limited to areas and times where there is a shortage of taxis, subject to operation management by taxi companies, in light of the shortage of local transportation workers.

In the future, this association will compile guidelines while confirming the notification of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and call on taxi companies to enter the market, and will start with a few hundred vehicles in Tokyo.