Teller Report

This week, the cold air is active, the temperature in many places is fluctuating, and the temperature is still rainy in the south

1/8/2024, 2:44:59 AM

Highlights: This week, the cold air is active, the temperature in many places is fluctuating, and the temperature is still rainy in the south. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of Inner Mongolia, southeastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, northeast Liaoning, northwest Xinjiang, northwest Hebei and other places. Tomorrow will enter the coldest season of the year, it is expected that this year's March 15 will begin, the maximum temperature of 10 °C line.

China Weather Network News Today and tomorrow (January 1-8), China's precipitation mainly occurs in Jiangnan, South China, Guizhou, northwest Xinjiang and other places, and heavy snowfall appears in northwest Xinjiang. In addition, the cold air affecting our country this week is still frequent, but the overall intensity is not strong, and the temperature in many places will rise in shocks.

Snowfall continues in Xinjiang, and rain is frequent in Jiangnan and southern China

Yesterday, with the strengthening of warm and humid airflow and the influence of cold air from the south, the rainfall in the south intensified, and at the same time, snowfall also occurred in northern Xinjiang and other places. Monitoring shows that heavy rain occurred in parts of southern Guizhou, central Hunan, central Jiangxi, and northern Guangxi yesterday, and heavy rain occurred in southeast Guizhou, Shaoyang, and Yongzhou in Hunan.

Today and tomorrow, Jiangnan, South China and Guizhou will continue to maintain a rainy weather pattern. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of central and western Inner Mongolia, southeastern Heilongjiang, eastern Jilin, northeast Liaoning, northwest Xinjiang, northwest Hebei and other places, among them, there will be heavy snow or blizzard (10~12 mm) locally in northwest Xinjiang. There was light to moderate rain in parts of the southern Sichuan Basin, central and southern Guizhou, most of the southern part of the Yangtze River, and most of southern China.

Tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in northwest Xinjiang, and heavy snow or blizzard (10~19 mm) in some areas. There was light to moderate rain in parts of the southern Sichuan Basin, southeastern Yunnan, southern Jiangnan, and most of southern China.

Meteorological experts reminded that today and tomorrow, there will be heavy snowfall in northwest Xinjiang, and the snowfall will last for a long time, and the local public should pay attention to prevent the adverse effects of snow, ice, and low visibility weather on transportation, ice and snow tourism, and animal husbandry. In addition, the cumulative precipitation in parts of southeastern Guizhou, southern Hunan, and northern Guangxi will be higher than that of the same period in normal years in the next 10 days, and the public in these areas should pay attention to the adverse effects of rainy weather.

This week, the cold air is active, the overall intensity is not strong, and the temperature in many places in the north and south first drops and then rises

In terms of temperature, this week, the cold air affecting China is still active, but the overall intensity is not strong, and the affected area is northerly and the impact time is short. After the cooling, the temperature will rise more obviously, and the temperature in many places will show a rising trend in shocks.

It is expected that three days from today, the cold air will bring a cooling of 4~6 °C to some parts of the central and eastern parts of China, accompanied by a northerly wind of about 4~5. In the city, the highest temperature in Harbin today is minus 11 °C, tomorrow it will drop to minus 13 °C, and the day after tomorrow will rise to minus 10 °C.

Under the influence of frequent cold air, the temperature fluctuates in many places in the north and south, but it is difficult to change the general pattern of rebound. Tomorrow will enter the coldest season of the year, it is expected that this year's March 15 will begin, the maximum temperature of 10 °C line will cross the Yangtze River, the maximum temperature of <> °C line will also arrive in the south of Gansu to the north of Henan.