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The journal "Future Education Research" was launched in Chongqing, focusing on the development of future education

1/7/2024, 2:15:03 PM

Highlights: The journal "Future Education Research" was launched in Chongqing, focusing on the development of future education. The collection is created by the Faculty of Education of Southwest University relying on academic platforms such as "double first-class" disciplines and national key disciplines. 29 well-known experts and scholars from inside and outside Southwest University have been appointed as members of the editorial board. The journal aims to carry out collaborative research through different disciplines such as education, philosophy, and sociology, and provide new ideas and perspectives for the future development of education., Chongqing, January 1 (Reporter Zhong Yi) On the 7th, at the academic seminar on "Future Education Research in the Process of Building a Strong Country in Education" held at Southwest University, the collection of "Future Education Research" was officially launched.

According to reports, the collection is created by the Faculty of Education of Southwest University relying on academic platforms such as "double first-class" disciplines, national key disciplines "curriculum and teaching theory", and artificial intelligence + education discipline groups, aiming to build an academic exchange platform for future education and is committed to leading the theoretical innovation and practical reform of future education.

Zhang Fajun, President of Southwest University Press, introduced that "Future Education Research" is an academic journal of education, which aims to focus on the cutting-edge academic achievements in the field of future education with an interdisciplinary vision and comprehensive research methods, and strive to become a treasure house of ideas for future education and promote the construction and development of education disciplines.

The picture shows the unveiling of the collection of "Future Education Research". Courtesy of Southwest University

Zhu Dequan, one of the editors-in-chief of the journal "Future Education Research" and director of the Faculty of Education of Southwest University, said that the journal will take "focusing on the future and improving research" as the purpose of the journal, "openness, integration, and thoughtfulness" as the principle of running the journal, and the journal as a platform for academic exchanges, following the concept of openness and dialogue, and striving to carry out collaborative research through different disciplines such as education, philosophy, and sociology, so as to provide new ideas and perspectives for the future development of education. To this end, the journal has set up six basic columns: "Future Education Theory", "Future School Development", "Future Curriculum Theory", "Future Teaching and Evaluation", "Future Educational Technology" and "Future Education Governance".

"Today's education researchers must have a sense of mission to 'face the future and lead today'. Zhu Dequan believes that there should be five forms of future education: cross-border openness, digital intelligence, Xi-centeredness, equality and democracy, and lifelong education.

It is reported that Jin Yule, a senior professor of liberal arts at Shenzhen University, has been hired as the director of the editorial board of the "Future Education Research" collection, and 29 well-known experts and scholars from inside and outside Southwest University have been appointed as members of the editorial board.

Jin Yule believes that the important mission of Future Education Research is to lead the academic trend. Education for the future is not only cross-border, but also interdisciplinary. In order to run a good collection of journals, it is necessary to have a good academic accumulation, lead academic vitality, and serve the construction of an educational power.

The picture shows the scene of the academic seminar on "Future Education Research in the Process of Building an Educational Power". Courtesy of Southwest University

Zhou Guangming, vice president of Southwest University, suggested that the collection of "Future Education Research" should not only focus on cultivating people with virtue, grasp the fundamental question of "what people to cultivate, how to cultivate people, and for whom to cultivate people", and answer how to cultivate new people of the era who are responsible for national rejuvenation, but also to discuss the modernization of education and the digital transformation of education, study the organic integration of intelligent technology and education and teaching, build a major education reform strategy, and accelerate the construction of China's high-quality education system. Forward-looking research plays an important role in enhancing the international influence of China's education.

On the same day, editors-in-chief from high-quality domestic journals and experts and scholars from Peking University, Zhejiang University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Henan University, Shenzhen University, South China Normal University, Capital Normal University, Tianjin Normal University and Southwest University also discussed the theme of "Future Education in the Process of Building a Strong Country in Education". (ENDS)