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The director of the provincial food bureau embezzled 1700 million, "I feel a little fluttering"

1/7/2024, 2:14:29 PM

Highlights: The director of the provincial food bureau embezzled 1700 million, "I feel a little fluttering".., Beijing, January 1 -- On the second episode of "Political Supervision and Guarantee", the "annual anti-corruption blockbuster" "Continue to Make Efforts and Advance in Depth", respectively disclosed the case of Li Zaiyong, former vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Zhao Zhiming, former general manager of Longanqiao Grain Depot Co., Ltd. in Fufu County, Heilongjiang Province, and Wu Xiaolong,. former deputy mayor of Yuwangshan Town, Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province., Beijing, January 1 -- On the 7th, the second episode of "Political Supervision and Guarantee", the "annual anti-corruption blockbuster" "Continue to Make Efforts and Advance in Depth", respectively disclosed the case of Li Zaiyong, former vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Zhao Zhiming, former general manager of Longanqiao Grain Depot Co., Ltd. in Fufu County, Heilongjiang Province, and Wu Xiaolong, former deputy mayor of Yuwangshan Town, Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province.

Li Zaiyong, former vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference:

The cadres who studied agriculture engaged in image projects caused farmers to have no harvest

"I think that there is only one last step away from the central management cadres, and I hope to make some big moves, big moves, and a little big moves, so as to attract the attention of my superiors, so I still say that I am selfish. Li Zaiyong, former vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said.

Li Zaiyong, former member and vice chairman of the party group of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former secretary of the Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, deputy secretary of the party group of the Guizhou Provincial Government, vice governor and other positions, was placed on file for review and investigation in March 2023. After investigation, Li Zaiyong violated all the six major disciplines of the party, and political and economic problems were intertwined. Among them, he seriously deviated from the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and failed to implement some blind decisions of the new development concept, causing huge losses to the country and the people.

From 2013 to 2017, when Li Zaiyong was the secretary of the Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, he promoted the construction of 23 tourism projects, 16 of which have been listed as inefficient and idle projects in Guizhou Province. Among them, the Meihua Mountain Ski Complex project, which he attaches the most importance to, is a typical example.

Li Zaiyong claimed to build the "ski capital of western China", neither considering that Liupanshui only has a more than one-month ski season, nor considering that Liupanshui already has two original ski resorts, but still decided to build the Meihuashan Ski Complex including 29 sub-projects, borrowing more than 30 billion yuan, of which more than 9 million yuan was spent to build nearly <>,<> meters of "Asia's first ropeway". Nowadays, except for more than a month in winter, there are few tourists the rest of the time, and it is difficult to move forward.

The agricultural industry project promoted by Li Zaiyong in Liupan Water also failed to implement the people-centered development thinking, and the problem of detachment from the masses and reality appeared. He proposed to build 100 million acres of prickly pear industry, in order to pursue scale effect, regardless of altitude, geology, environmental differences, and required centralized continuous planting. Due to the "one-size-fits-all" promotion, among the 117.<> million acres of prickly pear planted in the city, many seedlings have poor growth, low fruit hanging rate, and even some have not harvested for many years.

Li Zaiyong admitted in the camera, "The main reason for large-scale planting is to look good." I hope that the leader can see that the car looks like it, and there are industries everywhere. I am a farmer, and I know that the soil is so compatible with plants that when a person is doing it for his own self-interest, he can actually forget some of his most basic knowledge."

Details of the corruption of the three grain directors of Heilongjiang

"I feel like I should be given so much money"

The feature film also introduces the details of the corruption behind the fall of the three former directors of the Heilongjiang Provincial Food Bureau.

As the largest grain-producing province in the country, Heilongjiang plays an important role in maintaining national food security. As of November 2023, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of Heilongjiang Province have resolutely shown their swords to corruption in the field of grain purchase and sales, and have seriously investigated and punished the three directors of the provincial grain bureau, including Hu Dongsheng, Zhu Yuwen and Xin Minchao.

The film discloses that Hu Dongsheng, Zhu Yuwen, and Xin Minchao, the former "top leaders" of the Heilongjiang Provincial Grain Bureau, abused their power for personal gain and relied on grain to eat grain, which caused frequent chaos in the field of grain purchase and sales in Heilongjiang, and even some state-owned grain enterprises were actually completely controlled by private bosses, resulting in the continuous hollowing out of state-owned assets and directly endangering food security.

Among them, Zhu Yuwen served as Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the former Grain Bureau of Heilongjiang Province from 2016 to 2019. He is suspected of illegally accepting more than 1700 million yuan in property, more than half of which occurred during his tenure at the Provincial Food Bureau. He has accepted requests from six private grain depots to help them become national grain collection and storage points, and has received millions of yuan from them.

"After I became the governor, because I was in charge of the province's big grain and granary, I felt a little flustered, and I still had no self-control over myself (not strong) and did not follow the party's requirements. Zhu Yuwen confessed in front of the camera.

Zhu Yuwen said that he "accepted (bribes) quite calmly, and felt that so much money should be (given to me), I don't support you, and you may not earn so much." He confessed in the film that in fact, it is his duty to serve the enterprise, and he cannot use public power as a way to seek personal gain.

Zhu Yuwen was expelled from the party, expelled from public office, and transferred to the judiciary in January 2023.

Wu Xiaolong, former deputy mayor of Yuwangshan Town, Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province:

The masses questioned the village road and cut corners to find out the corruption of the project

The implementation of simplified examination and approval of village construction projects is a decision-making deployment made by the state to accelerate the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. This kind of project has a wide range of sites, and simple approval is more conducive to saving costs, improving efficiency, and accelerating the implementation of rural revitalization projects. However, Wu Xiaolong, the former deputy mayor of Yuwangshan Town, Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, turned the simplified approval into a "reserved land" for rent-seeking, completely deviating from the original intention of the system.

According to the relevant regulations of the simplified approval process in Sichuan Province, although these projects do not need to be tendered, they will be selected among at least three companies through competitive negotiations and other means. The project supervised by Wu Xiaolong is complete in terms of materials and procedures, but after investigation, the so-called bidding competition is completely artificially fabricated "paper bidding" and "paper selection".

The clues about the Wu Xiaolong case were originally based on feedback from the masses. During a visit by the special governance team in Yuwangshan Town, some villagers raised questions about a village road hardening project.

The working group retrieved data and compared it side-by-side, and found that the cost of this road was more than 20% higher than that of similar projects in other places during the same period, and the villagers' doubts were justified. When I went to the site to inspect, I found that the quality of this road, which costs more money, is not up to standard, and the cement slab on the road is very thin, far from the 18 cm thickness required by the project. The investigation found that Zeng Weigui, the boss who contracted the project, was an acquaintance of Wu Xiaolong, and gave Wu Xiaolong 20,90 yuan in order to get the project. The total budget of this road is about 20,<> yuan, and Wu Xiaolong took <>,<> yuan, so it is not surprising that the road surface has become thinner.

After investigation, Wu Xiaolong was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office in January 10 and transferred to the judicial authorities for review and prosecution, and was sentenced to 2023 years in prison for taking bribes in September 1. (ENDS)