Teller Report

Noto Peninsula Earthquake 1 week Government focuses on cold weather response in anticipation of prolonged evacuation

1/7/2024, 9:14:43 PM

Highlights: Noto Peninsula Earthquake 1 week Government focuses on cold weather response in anticipation of prolonged evacuation. Prime Minister Kishida said on July 8, "I would like to ask you to continue to work hard to rescue those who are still waiting for help under the rubble" The government will convene an "Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters" on August 1 to discuss specific responses, and will also expedite a survey of the damage situation for the designation of the disaster as a "severe disaster," he said.

【NHK】It has been one week in eight days since the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. The government continues to give top priority to saving lives, and is doing its utmost to restore lifelines and eliminate isolated areas.

It has been one week in 8 days since the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
The government will continue to give top priority to saving lives, and will do its utmost to restore lifelines and eliminate isolated areas, as well as focus on dealing with cold weather and snow in anticipation of prolonged evacuations.

The Noto Peninsula Earthquake, which had a maximum seismic intensity of 7 on New Year's Day, occurred eight days and one week after its occurrence.

Prime Minister Kishida said on July 8, "I would like to ask you to continue to work hard to rescue those who are still waiting for help under the rubble," and emphasized his intention to give top priority to saving lives.

"In particular, water shortages are an extremely serious problem," he said, adding that the government will focus on restoring lifelines, such as eliminating large-scale water outages and power outages, in addition to saving lives.

In addition, with limited access by land, we plan to focus on supporting isolated areas on foot and by helicopter, in addition to transporting goods by sea.

In addition, since the impact of snow is expected to spread in the affected areas in the future, we are preparing for the construction of temporary housing in anticipation of prolonging the evacuation, such as the introduction of snowplows and the securing of supplies such as blankets and fuel to protect against the cold.

The government will convene an "Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters" on August 1 to discuss specific responses, and will also expedite a survey of the damage situation for the designation of the disaster as a "severe disaster."