Teller Report

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS - Episode 7: Be Less Stressed

1/7/2024, 1:25:01 PM

Highlights: This Sunday, Noémie Loiselle, Europe 1's correspondent in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, is looking to free herself from stress. The Europe 1 reporter meets with several professionals to help her manage her stress. She also tries her luck with a rather special yoga session... with dogs. At the beginning of each year, thousands of us promise ourselves to carry out, for real this time, a regular sports activity, to quit smoking or to drastically reduce our alcohol consumption.

This week, the editorial staff of Europe 1 takes a look at the good resolutions that the French make on the occasion of the transition to the new year. This Sunday, Noémie Loiselle, Europe 1's correspondent in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, is looking to free herself from stress.

Noémie Loiselle 14:08 p.m., January 07, 2024

This week, the editorial staff of Europe 1 takes a look at the good resolutions that the French make on the occasion of the transition to the new year. This Sunday, Noémie Loiselle, Europe 1's correspondent in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, is looking to free herself from stress.

New year, new resolutions! At the beginning of each year, thousands of us promise ourselves to carry out, for real this time, a regular sports activity, to quit smoking or to drastically reduce our alcohol consumption. For 2024, Noémie Loiselle, Europe 1's correspondent in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, wants to find solutions to be less stressed. So she decided to meet with several professionals to help her manage her stress.

>> ALSO READ – NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS - Episode 6: Sleep Better

Starting with Matthieu Wiart, sophrologist. According to him, the first thing to do is to breathe well: "I will invite you to restart your breath with three deep breaths. To sit down for a minute and breathe while being aware of our breath and our body is to take a break," he explains. An exercise that can be done anywhere, "for example, while walking down the street. You take four steps as you inhale, you take six steps as you exhale."

Yoga... with puppies

Breathing techniques that the Europe 1 reporter applied on her way to her second appointment, with Céline Lelong, foot reflexologist. "We start from the principle that the body is reflected in miniature on the soles of the feet, by manipulating and exerting pressure on targeted areas, there is a relaxation that takes place," explains the professional. The massaged area is located "under the foot, under the arch of the foot, on the side, we have the reflex zone of the stomach."

>> ALSO READ – New Year's Resolutions - Episode 5: Quit Smoking

Still a little tense, Noémie Loiselle finally tries her luck with a rather special yoga session... with dogs. "Often, dogs follow the energy and therefore come to sleep next to people. Puppies bring laughter and joy and that's a different element of relaxation," explains Laura Dessales, a yoga teacher at the Puppy Yoga Center in Lyon. "The breeders bring them to us to socialize them before they leave for their adoptive families."

If most of the puppies are already adopted, to be less stressed, the Europe 1 correspondent would have left with a little pug.