Teller Report

Jordanian-US agreement on the return of displaced Gazans and rejection of displacement

1/7/2024, 3:14:39 PM

Highlights: Jordan-US agreement on the return of displaced Gazans and rejection of displacement. The issue of the forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip dominated US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's talks during his visit to Jordan. The Jordanian monarch stressed his country's rejection of attempts to separate Gaza and the West bank as an extension of a single Palestinian state. He warned of the catastrophic repercussions of the continued aggression on Gaza, and the need to put an end to the tragic humanitarian crisis in the Strip.

The issue of the forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip dominated US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's talks during his visit to Jordan, as part of his fourth round since the start of the Israeli war on Gaza.

King of Jordan meets US Secretary of State in Amman (Anadolu Agency)

The issue of the forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza dominated US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's talks during his visit to Jordan, during which he met with King Abdullah II and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

Jordan and the United States agreed to reject the forced displacement of Palestinians and the return of displaced people to their homes in the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to an Israeli war that has been going on for more than 3 months, and has so far resulted in the death and loss of 29,722.

The US Secretary of State arrived in Jordan last night after two stops in Turkey and Greece as part of a foreign tour, his fourth since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and includes, in addition to Turkey, Greece and Israel, 5 Arab countries.

During his meeting with Blinken, King Abdullah II affirmed Jordan's complete rejection of the forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which constitutes a clear violation of international law, pointing to the need to enable the people of Gaza to return to their homes.

Jordanian Foreign Minister (right) during his meeting with US Secretary of State (Anadolu Agency)

Catastrophic repercussions

The Jordanian monarch stressed his country's rejection of attempts to separate Gaza and the West Bank as an extension of a single Palestinian state, warning of the catastrophic repercussions of the continued aggression on Gaza, and the need to put an end to the tragic humanitarian crisis in the Strip.

King Abdullah reiterated the importance of the role of the United States in pressing for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, protecting civilians, and ensuring the adequate and sustainable delivery of relief, humanitarian and medical aid to the Gaza Strip, pointing out that the region will not enjoy stability without a just solution to the Palestinian issue and the achievement of a just and comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution.

A statement issued after a meeting between Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi and his US counterpart Antony Blinken confirmed that Safadi and Blinken held extensive talks on the catastrophic situation in Gaza.

Safadi stressed the need to reach an immediate and permanent ceasefire that ends the aggression and the killing, destruction and humanitarian catastrophe it causes, stressing the need for immediate, adequate and sustainable humanitarian and medical aid to all parts of Gaza.

Source: Agencies