Teller Report

Elon Musk regularly uses illegal drugs such as cocaine, US report

1/7/2024, 8:15:06 PM

Highlights: Elon Musk regularly uses illegal drugs such as cocaine, US report. The Wall Street Journal said that it did not receive a response when it asked Musk himself for comment. A lawyer representing Mr. Musk told the 'Wall Street Journal' that 'Mr. Musk has been drug-tested many times at SpaceX and there was no problem, and there are other false contents in the article' It is reported that executives and others are concerned that the business of the company will be affected by the use of illegal drugs.

[NHK] The Wall Street Journal, an influential American newspaper, reported on the 6th that American entrepreneur Elon Musk is regularly using illegal drugs ...

The Wall Street Journal, a leading American newspaper, reported on the 6th that American entrepreneur Elon Musk is a regular user of illegal drugs.

The "Wall Street Journal" reports that Musk has repeatedly used synthetic drugs such as LSD and cocaine, citing people close to him and witnesses.

If the use of illegal drugs is true, there is a possibility that the contract that the space development company "SpaceX" of which Mr. Musk serves as CEO has dodged with the US government "SpaceX" business and the electric vehicle manufacturer "Tesla" of which Mr. Musk is also the CEO It is reported that executives and others are concerned that the business of the company will be affected.

The Wall Street Journal said that it did not receive a response when it asked Musk himself for comment.

A lawyer representing Mr. Musk told the 'Wall Street Journal', 'Mr. Musk has been drug-tested many times at SpaceX and there was no problem, and there are other false contents in the article.'