Teller Report

Murder in Gnosjö: Now the police are getting help from the National Murder Group

1/4/2024, 4:14:38 PM

Highlights: Swedish Police's National Operations Department, NOA, called in to help solve murder. 75-year-old woman was found dead in a wooded area in Gnosjö in November. Police are also asking for help from the public, P4 Jönköping reports. Suspect released, but not removed from the investigation, prosecutor said in mid-December. The National Murder Group from NOA is now helping solve the murder of the woman. The investigation is still ongoing.

The Swedish Police's National Operations Department, NOA, is now being called in to help solve the murder of a woman who was found dead in a wooded area in Gnosjö in November. The police are also asking for help from the public, P4 Jönköping reports.

In mid-November, a 75-year-old woman was found dead in the Töllstorp area of Gnosjö. Now the National Murder Group from NOA is called in to help solve the murder of the woman, reports P4 Jönköping. The investigators also want help from people who have been moving in the Töllstorp area and along the walkway from Åvikensskolan in the direction of Olga's alley between 14 pm and 15 pm on November 13.

Suspect released

Early in the investigation, a man was suspected who was also detained, but who was later released.

"We have investigated the man intensively, but we do not have enough evidence, which has weakened the suspicions. However, he has not been removed from the investigation, prosecutor Johan Stenberg told SVT when the man was released in mid-December.

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Watch clips from the day after the woman was found in Gnosjö. Photo: Ellinor Rostedt/SVT