Teller Report

Ribom fell second in the last corner: "Very frustrating"

1/3/2024, 6:13:50 PM

Highlights: Ribom fell second in the last corner: "Very frustrating". Emma Ribom was in a good position as second after Linn Svahn in the other semi-final. "It feels like I'm being hit a bit from behind and then it's hard to parry," says Ribom. Kristine Stavås Skistad was acquitted on the grounds that it was a "race incident", i.e. a collision that can occur in a race without prompting action.

Emma Ribom was in a good position as second after Linn Svahn in the other semi-final when she fell in the last corner. "It's really frustrating," says Ribom.

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Listen to Emma Ribom about the fall: "Feels like I'm being hit by a car" Photo: SVT

"I feel that there is something that makes me unable to stand on my feet. It feels like I'm being hit a bit from behind and then it's hard to parry," Ribom told SVT Sport.

It looked as if the Norwegian Kristine Stavås Skistad was on the Swedish back of her skis.

Are you annoyed with Skistad?

"No, I'm annoyed by the situation. There's so much we go about, not just today but a whole tour. It was an important day for me and I was really eager to collect a lot of seconds," says Ribom.

Skistad now retires from the tour and goes home to Norway.

"It was close, but I don't think I was close to being disqualified," Skistad said of the incident with Ribom.

NRK's expert wanted to see washing up at Skistad

"Skistad has contact there. So it's probably "game over" for Skistad, says NRK expert Fredrik Aukland.

However, the jury acquitted on the grounds that it was a "race incident", i.e. a collision that can occur in a race without prompting action.

Ribom stayed there for a long time and crossed the finish line in sixth place, half a minute after the superior Linn Svahn who had Stavås Skistad behind her in second place.