Teller Report

The 12351 national trade union service hotline has been fully operational

12/30/2023, 2:22:20 PM

Highlights: The 12351 national trade union service hotline has been fully operational. Over the past three months, the hotline at the same level of the ACFTU has answered more than 3,30000 calls from employees. The hotline generated 991 hotline work orders and completed 892 cases, and promoted the solution of a large number of employees' urgent problems. In the next step, trade unions at all levels will continue to improve and optimize the work of the 12351 tradeunion service hotline, and truly build the hotline into an important channel and bright brand., Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Yu Zhanyi) The All-China Federation of Trade Unions held a release ceremony on the 29th, announcing that the 29 national trade union service hotline for workers has been fully completed and put into operation.

At the release ceremony, the ACFTU inspected the completion and operation of the hotline of the Federation of Trade Unions of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. The main responsible comrades of the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the agents of the hotline call center of the ACFTU and the representatives of employees, hotline staff and operators from Tianjin, Shandong, Guangdong and other places made statements. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to go all out to solve the problems of employees, accelerate the upgrade, and realize the integration of the 12351 trade union service hotline and the digital and intelligent terminal of the trade union service workers.

It is understood that the 12351 national trade union service hotline accepts employee rights protection service needs nationwide "7 hours a day, 24 ×" by answering calls. On September 2023, 9, the ACFTU held a mobilization and deployment meeting to promote the construction of the hotline of the trade union system, and on September 7, the 9 hotline at the ACFTU level was put into trial operation, and it was fully completed and put into operation in just over 27 days and achieved phased results.

According to reports, over the past three months, the hotline at the same level of the ACFTU has answered more than 3,30000 calls from employees, with an average daily service volume of about 350 people, generated 991 hotline work orders and completed 892 cases, and promoted the solution of a large number of employees' urgent problems. In the next step, trade unions at all levels will continue to improve and optimize the work of the 12351 trade union service hotline, and truly build the 12351 hotline into an important channel and bright brand for the trade union system to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the workers in a timely and efficient manner in the new era. (ENDS)