Teller Report

She blew the whistle on suspected dog abusers

12/30/2023, 3:22:44 PM

Highlights: Woman arrested in Malmö on suspicion of spreading dough with pieces of glass, to injure dogs. Dog owner Åsa Fallsten blew the whistle on suspected dog abusers. In recent years, one or more people have terrified dogs and dog owners by placing dumplings of dough with sharp objects in them. The woman was arrested on Thursday in Ögårdsparken, in the city centre. The police were quickly on the scene and arrested the woman. The incident was first reported by Dagens Nyheter.

On Thursday, a person was arrested in Malmö on suspicion of spreading dough with pieces of glass, to injure dogs. The person who raised the alarm about the suspect was dog owner Åsa Fallsten.

Åsa Fallsten and her friend were out walking in Ögårdsparken in Malmö. They spotted a woman behaving strangely by a tree in the park.

"We went up to her and she was very rude to us and we could see that there were buns and shards of glass there," says Åsa Fallsten.

Åsa and her friend followed the woman and called 112, which Dagens Nyheter was the first to report. She says that the police were quickly on the scene and arrested the woman.

In Malmö, in recent years, one or more people have terrified dogs and dog owners by placing dumplings of dough with sharp objects in them.

"I hope this will end now, so you can walk your dog without worrying," she says.