Teller Report

Serbia: 17000,<> demonstrators in Belgrade to denounce irregularities in parliamentary elections

12/30/2023, 7:23:22 PM

Highlights: 17,000 people demonstrate in Belgrade to denounce irregularities in parliamentary elections. President Aleksandar Vučić's party came out on top. The demonstration lasted more than 3 hours and was peaceful. Many families, young people, pensioners and provincials came to applaud the speakers, who were very angry at the silence and denial of the authorities in the face of what they called a "theft" The Serbian president has so far remained deaf to the demands, refusing to admit irregularities denounced by the opposition.

At least 17,000 people demonstrated on Saturday 30 December in the Serbian capital at the call of a collective of intellectuals to denounce electoral fraud during the parliamentary elections two weeks ago. It's...

Serbia: 17000,<> demonstrators in Belgrade to denounce irregularities in parliamentary elections

At least 17,000 people demonstrated on Saturday 30 December in the Serbian capital at the call of a collective of intellectuals to denounce electoral fraud during the parliamentary elections two weeks ago. President Aleksandar Vučić's party came out on top. The demonstration lasted more than 3 hours and was peaceful.

Protest organized by ProGlas, the Serbian pro-democracy movement, in the context of opposition allegations of major violations of the electoral law in the city of Belgrade and in parliamentary races, in Belgrade, Serbia, December 30, 2023. REUTERS - ZORANA JEVTIC

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With our special correspondent in Belgrade, Jelena Tomic

There were no incidents to disrupt the civil society event. Many families, young people, pensioners and provincials came to applaud the speakers, who were very angry at the silence and denial of the authorities in the face of what they called a "theft".

A heartfelt tribute was paid to all these courageous women who are fighting for a better future. Like Marinika Tepic, the opposition leader who has been on hunger strike for 12 days and who was cheered by the crowd.

During the march, protesters displayed red cards in front of institutions controlled by Aleksandar Vučić's regime. The Serbian president has so far remained deaf to the demands, refusing to admit the irregularities denounced by the opposition and to calm the crisis.

Finally, it should be noted that a large part of the country, having no access to independent media, was unaware of the existence of this gathering and of the irregularities observed after the 17 December election by independent bodies and international observers.

After the speeches of the speakers, the procession headed to the Constitutional Court. Why there? Djordje, a pensioner, explains: "Because they are sleeping, we go there to wake them up. They remain deaf to our calls. My kids left here on time. My daughter lives in the United States, my son in Italy. And I'm protesting, because all my life I've been fighting injustice. We have to fight every day as if it were the last day of our existence. »

For Ivanka Popovic, who called for the demonstration, the ills from which the country suffers are numerous: "Part of the population is convinced that they cannot change anything. And it is very negative and contrary to the principles of a democratic society that the voice of every citizen counts and must be heard and that we have an obligation to act as a citizen


Nikola, in his forties, proudly displays a European flag: "I carry this flag because I believe that our culture and civilisation are European and that our place is in the European institutions. Instead, we live in a dictatorial regime, without democracy or the rule of law.


Ivan wants to believe in change: "I think this movement will continue. This is an opportunity to put an end to this way of governing. And if it runs out of steam, then there will be no hope for us.


After three hours of mobilization, the demonstrators dispersed peacefully. On New Year's Eve, there were no incidents to disrupt the event.


Protesters' Voices - Report

Jelena Tomic

Read alsoBelgrade: civil society organizes a rally this Saturday, December 30

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