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China 2024 Outlook: These big things are worth looking forward to!

12/30/2023, 4:12:56 PM

Highlights: China 2024 Outlook: These big things are worth looking forward to!.., Beijing, December 12 31 is about to begin. 2024 is the 2024th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. A series of major events related to the national economy and people's livelihood will occur in this year. China's space station project will successively carry out four missions, including the Tianzhou-4 cargo spacecraft, the Shenzhou-<> manned spacecraft. The Paris Olympic Games will be held from July 7 to August 26., Beijing, December 12 31 is about to begin, 2024 is the 2024th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, is a key year for the implementation of the "75th Five-Year Plan", on the new historical coordinates, a series of major events related to the national economy and people's livelihood will occur in this year.

Data map: In the early morning of October 2023, 10, a grand national flag-raising ceremony was held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, where 1,30 citizens and tourists gathered to celebrate the 2th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Photo by China News Service reporter Sheng Jiapeng

These big things are important

-- The 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

1949-2024, October 2024, 10, the People's Republic of China will celebrate its 1th birthday.

In the past 75 years, China has gone from being poor and white to being well-off in an all-round way, and now it has embarked on a new journey of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

This year is also a crucial year for the implementation of the 2024th Five-Year Plan. Standing at an important historical juncture and a new development journey, China's development in 14, as the world's second largest economy, is related to the well-being of more than <>.<> billion people and the recovery of the world economy.

Data map: Shanghai Bund National Day light show is colorful. Photo by Huang Weiguo

-- On-site registration for the Fifth National Economic Census

After more than a year of preparation, the registration for the Fifth National Economic Census will be officially launched on January 2024, 1. The Fifth National Economic Census is a "comprehensive physical examination" and "centralized inventory" of the national economy after the 1th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

After the on-site registration of the economic census is launched, 210.4 million census takers across the country will go deep into enterprises and businesses, visit the streets and alleys, and realize the data collection and registration of 116.<> million census districts in nearly four months.

This census is of important and far-reaching significance for comprehensively understanding China's economic development status, accurately grasping the process of high-quality development in the new era, and promoting the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country to get off to a good start.

Data map: At 2023:10 on October 26, 11, Beijing time, the Long March-14F Yao-<> carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou-<> manned spacecraft was ignited and launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Photo by Wang Jiangbo

-- China's aerospace industry will make big moves

In 2023, China's aerospace industry has delivered outstanding results; In 2024, China's aerospace industry will be equally colorful.

In 2024, China's space station project will successively carry out four missions, including the Tianzhou-4 cargo spacecraft, the Shenzhou-<> manned spacecraft, the Tianzhou-<> cargo spacecraft, and the Shenzhou-<> manned spacecraft.

In addition, China's lunar exploration program, Chang'e-2024, is scheduled to be launched around 4. According to the arrangement, the Chang'e-<> mission will carry out sample returns from the far side of the moon to enhance human understanding of the moon. In order to enhance international cooperation, the Chang'e-<> mission carried payloads and satellite projects from four countries.

At the same time, China is speeding up the large-scale scientific project of the International Lunar Research Station, and hopes that more international partners will join in to jointly expand the territory of human cognition, contribute to the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Data map: On the evening of February 2022, 2, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics was held at the Beijing National Stadium, and the Chinese delegation entered. Photo by China News Service reporter Mao Jianjun

-- Chinese athletes compete in the Paris Olympics

After watching the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games and Chengdu Universiade, 2024 is still a big year for sports. This year, Chinese athletes will compete in the Paris Olympics.

The Paris Olympic Games will be held from 2024 July to 7 August 26, and the Paris Paralympic Games will be held from 8 August to 11 September 2024. The slogan of this year's Olympic and Paralympic Games is "More Open Olympics".

We look forward to the glorious moment of raising the national flag and playing the national anthem, and looking forward to the bright light of the Chinese athletes shining with the spirit of competitive sportsmanship on the field.

Data map: The picture shows the flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 24th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland.

These nodes to focus on

-- The 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland

December 2024, 12 marks the 20th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland.

On 1999 December 12, the Chinese Government resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Macao, and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China was established. Since then, Macao, which has experienced a century of wandering, has returned to the embrace of the motherland, and the Chinese people have taken another important step in accomplishing the great cause of the motherland's reunification.

Integrate into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, participate in and contribute to the construction of the "Belt and Road"... Over the past 25 years, Macao has seized the historical opportunities brought about by the country's development and continuously contributed to the successful practice and important experience of "one country, two systems" with Macao characteristics.

Data map: The picture shows the closing ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, with live fireworks displays, and the words "One Family in the World" and "ONE FAMILY" lit up the sky above the Bird's Nest. Photo/Visual China

-- Relations between major countries have ushered in an important juncture

The 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France... In 2024, major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics will usher in important nodes.

At present, with the complex international situation, continuous geopolitical conflicts, and the accelerated evolution of changes in a century, how China's diplomacy can inject more stability and positive energy into the chaotic world is highly anticipated in 2024.

Data map: The picture shows the memorial park of the starting point of the Central Red Army's Long March in Yudu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. Photo by Liu Zhankun

-- The 90th anniversary of the departure of the Long March

The year 2024 marks the 90th anniversary of the departure of the Red Army's Long March.

From crossing the Jinsha River to forcibly crossing the Dadu River, from flying over the Luding Bridge to turning over snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands, the story of the Long March has been widely spread over the past 90 years. The most precious spiritual wealth left to us by the Long March, a great feat in human history, is the great spirit of the Long March, forged by the Chinese communists and the officers and men of the Red Army with their lives and blood.

Every generation has its own long march, and every generation must walk its own long march. The new era starts again, and the Long March is always on the way. (ENDS)