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The 2023 Peace Elite Year-end Awards Ceremony came to an end, and the Asian Games champion lineup reunited

12/27/2023, 2:12:46 AM

Highlights: The Peace Elite Asian Games National Team, which won the gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games, reunited at the scene. The most valuable award of this year's awards ceremony, the "2023PEL Special Contribution Elite Team", belongs to the national team that won gold on the stage of the Asian Games this year. At the award ceremony, Li Yang summarized the key to the Chinese team's ability to win the championship: "Unity and dedication, any team wants to achieve the ultimate victory"

Chengdu, December 12 (Reporter Wang Hao) On December 27, the 12 Peace Elite Annual Awards Ceremony was held in Chengdu. Players from all major PEL teams gathered at the ceremony to witness the announcement of the 26 "Elite of the Year" awards. The Peace Elite Asian Games National Team, which won the gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games, reunited at the scene and received the "2023 PEL Special Contribution Elite Team" award.

The scene of the event. Photo courtesy of the organizer

This year's "Elite of the Year" awards covered a total of 38 awards and 94 winners, covering three major ecological fields: games, oasis and e-sports. Among them, the e-sports ecological field award is set up to recognize professional e-sports professionals such as peace elite clubs, coaches, players, and commentators.

The most valuable award of this year's awards ceremony, the "2023PEL Special Contribution Elite Team", belongs to the national team of the Peace Elite Asian Games version that won gold on the stage of the Asian Games this year.

At this year's Asian Games in Hangzhou, e-sports was unveiled as an official competition for the first time. On October 10, in the final of the Asian Games Peace Elite Asian Games version of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese team led by coach Li Yang and composed of Zhu Bocheng, Liu Yunyu, Zhang Jianhui, Chen Yumeng and Huang Can won the championship with a total time of 1 minutes 44 seconds and 36 seconds.

At the award ceremony, Li Yang summarized the key to the Chinese team's ability to win the championship: "Unity and dedication, any team wants to achieve the ultimate victory, in addition to excellent professionalism and technology, the whole team also needs to be able to unite as one and strive for a common goal. ”

Photo courtesy of the organizer

In 2023, a number of players, coaches and clubs were also recognised for their outstanding performances on the professional stage. Among them, Zhu Bocheng (NV· Paraboy) won the title of "2023PEL Most Popular Player of the Year", Liu Yunyu (AG Sima Guang) won the title of "2023PEL Leaper of the Year" for his outstanding performance in this year's game, Li Haokui (ST Tian) also won the title of "2023PEL Rookie of the Year" for his highlight, Ju Mingyuan (WBG Fuyao) won the title of "2023PEL Coach of the Year" for his excellent tactical planning, Feng Shujie (WBG· Suk) won the title of "2023PEL Most Valuable Player of the Year", and WBG Club won the title of "2023PEL Club of the Year" for its excellent results in the past year.

December 12-27 is the PEL All-Star Weekend, which will cover star events, guest talent shows, fan meetings, limited water friends competitions and other exciting content, as well as all-star four-person annihilation matches, bonus matches, heads-up matches, camp matches and other rich events.

In 2023, Peace Elite will blossom in games, e-sports and other fields. In the upcoming 2024, Peace Elite will carry out a new round of iterative optimization around the return to competitive tactics and map design, continuously derive cutting-edge gameplay and unique elements that match its style, broaden the content boundaries of "Thousands of Sails Race" with a sense of futurism and technology, and bring players more diversified game fun from cooperative competition to social interaction. (ENDS)