Teller Report

Jennifer Lopez's Low-Fat Diet That Won't Go Hungry

12/25/2023, 2:01:24 PM

Highlights: Jennifer Lopez's Low-Fat Diet That Won't Go Hungry. There is no miracle method to lose weight without exerting yourself and diets that are too restrictive are not a good option either. It's best to try to speed up your metabolism so that it burns calories faster, which is achieved by giving your body the food it needs at all times. The accelerated metabolism diet consists of 28 days. Each of the four weeks is divided into three phases of two or three days that are repeated with specific characteristics and objectives.

There is no miracle method to lose weight without exerting yourself and diets that are too restrictive are not a good option either, since, when you eat again from the right to lose weight, you will not be able to...

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There is no miracle method to lose weight without making efforts and diets that are too restrictive are not a good option either, since, when you eat regularly again, it is quite likely that you will regain the kilos that have been lost and maybe some more. It's best to try to speed up your metabolism so that it burns calories faster, which is achieved by giving your body the food it needs at all times. That's precisely what Jennifer Lopez's low-fat diet is all about.

What is Jennifer Lopez's low-fat diet?

Nutrition guru Haylie Pomroy, who also works as a coach and collaborates with The New York Times, is the creator of the low-fat diet that Jennifer Lopez follows. He called it the accelerated metabolism (AMD) diet and that's also the title of the book he published in 2013 in which he explains it.

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This eating plan is touted as "the last diet you'll ever go on" and with it you can lose up to eight kilos in four weeks. He doesn't do it by imposing restrictions, but he tries to teach how to eat. The idea is to optimize the way the body uses food for fuel and try to avoid the possible rebound effect. In his book, Pomroy states that "you're going to eat a lot, and you're still going to lose weight. What you're not going to do is count a single gram of calories or fat you eat."

What foods can you eat on the Accelerated Metabolism Diet?

As we pointed out, the accelerated metabolism diet is not restrictive, although it completely eliminates refined and processed foods, alcohol and caffeine. On the contrary, these are the foods that are allowed:

  • Lean meats: You can eat chicken, beef, and some cuts of pork and turkey.
  • Non-starchy vegetables: These include leafy greens such as kale, lettuce or spinach and also peppers, carrots, onions, turnips, eggplant or zucchini.
  • Healthy fats: the most recommended are those from nuts or avocados.
  • Complex carbohydrates are found in fruits, whole grains, legumes or vegetables.

How the Accelerated Metabolism Diet Is Done

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The accelerated metabolism diet consists of 28 days. Each of the four weeks is a cycle that is divided into three phases of two or three days that are repeated with specific characteristics and objectives. In addition, they should be combined with physical exercise:

  • First phase: lasts two days and is dominated by fruits, vegetables and whole grains. In addition, protein intake must be controlled and must be accompanied by cardio training.
  • Second phase: it also lasts two days and the objective is to release accumulated fat. To do this, the consumption of animal proteins and alkaline vegetables is increased. These dietary guidelines should be combined with anaerobic training.
  • Third phase: it lasts three days and you have to try to transform the fats released from phase two into energy. As a result, carbohydrate intake is reduced as much as possible and proteins and healthy fats predominate. The plan calls for some relaxing physical activity, such as yoga.

Keys to the Accelerated Metabolism Diet

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In addition to following the phases described above, in order to lose weight with the accelerated metabolism diet, several keys must be met. Psychonutrition expert Sonia Lucena points them out:

  • Varied diet: this key must be taken into account without forgetting planning. Therefore, you have to prepare a complete menu.
  • Always eat breakfast: otherwise, your body will work without fuel. It is also important to eat it mid-morning.
  • Prioritize real foods: fruits, eggs, meat, fish...
  • Don't count calories: eating little makes you fat because it slows down your metabolism, so you don't have to stay hungry.
  • Make meals you love: you'll boost endorphins and reduce stress.
  • Exercise: as we have seen, in each phase you have to do a different activity.

Benefits of Jennifer Lopez's Low-Fat Diet

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In addition to Jennifer Lopez, other celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow or Reese Witherspoon have also been seduced by the accelerated metabolism diet thanks to its many benefits. Here are the most important ones:

  • Increases metabolic rate: this is the main goal of this diet. By increasing it, our body burns fat faster, which helps us lose weight.
  • Improves health: reduces the chances of suffering from certain problems, such as cardiovascular disease, hormonal disorders, or diabetes.
  • Boosts energy: Carbohydrate and protein consumption is important. These are nutrients that give the body energy.
  • Allows you to build strength: the combination of foods that provide energy with exercise increases strength.
  • Reduces stress: The Accelerated Metabolism Diet is also designed to control anxiety and sleep better.