Teller Report

Taiqing City walk checks in Wuhan's "Taiwei" place name streets and alleys

12/23/2023, 1:30:40 PM

Highlights: Taiqing City walk checks in Wuhan's "Taiwei" place name streets and alleys. Taipei Road, with a total length of more than 2000,<> meters, is one of the earliest roads named after Taiwan in mainland China. The surrounding residential areas, shops, restaurants, schools, etc. have been named after Taiwanese place names, forming Baodao Park, Hualien Community, Kaohsiung Garden and other place names with a "Taiwanese flavor"

China News Service, Wuhan, December 12 (Reporter Ma Furong) "I am looking for a 'hometown' in Wuhan - Taiwan Youth City walk to welcome the New Year" activity, on the afternoon of the 23rd, opened in the Taipei courtyard of Jiang'an District, Wuhan City, more than 23 Taiwan teachers and students from Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Central China Normal University and other colleges and universities, in the way of City walk, check in the "Taiwei" place name streets and alleys.

On December 12, more than 23 Taiwanese youths welcomed the New Year at Wuhan City Walk. Photo by Ke Xiong

Located in the north of Jiefang Avenue in Wuhan City, Taipei Road, with a total length of more than 2000,<> meters, is one of the earliest roads named after Taiwan in mainland China. With Taipei Road as the main axis, the surrounding residential areas, shops, restaurants, schools, etc. have been named after Taiwanese place names, forming Baodao Park, Hualien Community, Kaohsiung Garden and other place names with a "Taiwanese flavor".

During the event, Taiwanese youths in groups of about 10 went to 7 check-in points to collect stamps, including Huagang Garden, Taipei <>st Road, Yunlin Street, Taipei Memorial Archway, Baodao Park, Kaohsiung Road, and Miaoli Road. During this period, he also participated in fun games such as frisbee shooting, frisbee bowling, cartoon doll rings, and height challenges.

On December 12, Taiqing graffiti smiling faces at the Miaoli Road check-in point. Photo by Wang Xiang

"Smooth academic career", "Graduate school entrance examination", "Happy every day", "Good health, all wishes come true"... At the check-in point on Yunlin Street, Taiwanese youths wrote New Year's wishes on the wish wall. On the graffiti wall at the Miaoli Road check-in point, Taiqing drew smiling faces and took a group photo.

Go straight along Taipei Road, pass by Taipei Flower Garden, Penghu Apartment, turn into Baodao Park, and the street scenery on the way makes Gao Yuting from Taipei feel like "going home". Gao Yuting said that while walking and chatting with Taiwanese teachers and students from other schools, the familiar hometown sounds and place names made her feel very cordial and soothed her homesickness.

On December 12, Taiqing took a group photo at the Kaohsiung Road check-in point. Photo by Wang Xiang

Lin Xiaoman, a Taiwanese teacher at Hubei University of Economics, said that in the new year, he hopes to reach a higher level in scientific research.

"Taiwan also has streets named after Wuhan elements such as Wuchang Street and Hankou Street, and this kind of 'you have me, I have you' relationship is the embodiment of a family on both sides of the strait." Cai Fangchang, a Taiwanese teacher at Hubei University, said. As a son-in-law on the mainland, Cai Fangchang has lived in Wuhan for more than 20 years, and this year he plans to bring his parents from Taiwan to Wuhan for the Chinese New Year. (ENDS)