Teller Report

Spreading "Book Santa" Books for Families Who Can't Afford Gifts

12/23/2023, 12:00:40 PM

Highlights: "Book Santa" gives books to families who can't afford to buy them. The program has been running for six years in Japan. The number of people who have signed up has more than doubled since last year. "I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of books will be given to me," says one mother. "Even if I don't get a book, I'll still be happy," says another. "It's a good way to give back to the community," says a third.

【NHK】There is a growing initiative called "Book Santa" to send books to families who are unable to prepare Christmas gifts for economic reasons. This activity...

There is a growing initiative called "Book Santa" to give books to families who cannot prepare Christmas gifts for economic reasons. The organization that is engaged in this activity made preparations such as wrapping for Christmas Eve on the 24th in Tokyo.

The "Book Santa" activity is carried out by the NPO "Charity Santa", and has been carried out for the past six years in cooperation with bookstores nationwide.

"Book Santa" is a gift from Santa Claus to children whose families are unable to celebrate Christmas due to financial reasons, as donated books purchased by people who support the initiative at bookstores or online special websites.

On the 6rd, in anticipation of Christmas Eve on the 23th, volunteers gathered at an office in Tokyo to wrap books that had arrived from all over the country.

Natsuki Seisuke, Representative Director of the NPO, said, "An increasing number of families are complaining that they cannot afford to buy gifts due to the continued high prices.

The donated books will be presented by Santa Claus on December 24.

"Book Santa" donated about 7,5000 books last year

"You are someone's Santa Claus" is the slogan of "Book Santa".

This is an initiative to give books to families who are unable to give Christmas gifts to their children due to financial circumstances.

This initiative has been implemented by the Tokyo-based NPO "Charity Santa" for the past six years.

People who agree with the initiative select and purchase the books they want to give at bookstores or online special sites and donate them, and there are also forms of donations through crowdfunding.

The NPO distributes books according to the circumstances of the families and the age of the children, and Santa Claus delivers them to the children on December 6, Christmas Eve.

In the first year of the program, 12 books were submitted, but last year the number increased to about 24,848, and the number of bookstores that are cooperating with the project has more than doubled to 7,5000.

According to a survey conducted by NPOs on households that have applied, 2% of households answered that they do not have enough food and daily necessities due to the continued rise in prices, indicating that many families cannot afford to celebrate Christmas.

By the 1683rd, about 8,23 applications had been received, the largest number ever.

A woman who donates books: "I want you to support me for the rest of my life"

I'm Junko Chiba, an office worker in Tokyo who is participating in "Book Santa" and is in her 40s.

Ms. Chiba said, "I was surprised that there were children who did not receive Christmas presents," so she has been donating every year for the past four years.

In addition to children's books, we select a book called "The Six Laws for Children" every year, which explains the law in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations.

Ms. Chiba says, "I choose books because I want them to be my lifelong support, and I feel that books are a very good gift because they can be my friends when I am struggling, and sometimes they can be a guidepost and support in my life. I hope that when the children grow up, the people who will support them are not just the people who are by their side, and that they are not alone."

Elementary school students eagerly awaiting: "I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of books will arrive"

A mother in her 2s and her elementary school daughter, who live together in Chiba Prefecture, are looking forward to "Book Santa".

Women work part-time and raise their children, but they have to visit the hospital regularly due to chronic illnesses.

The monthly take-home pay is about 30,10 yen, and life is difficult due to soaring prices and utility costs, and sometimes meals are covered by donated rice and vegetables.

As a result, they cannot afford to celebrate Christmas or their children's birthdays, and the woman said, "Even if I want to give gifts, I can't increase my expenses, and I have to put up with lessons, which makes my children feel lonely. I will talk to you.

In the meantime, when I learned about "Book Santa" last year and applied, Santa Claus presented my daughter with a heartwarming picture book.

My elementary school daughter, who received the book, said, "I was very happy because I like books, and I am looking forward to seeing what kind of book will arrive."

The mother said, "I read it with pleasure every day, and it made me feel connected to society and not left out."