Teller Report

Three questions about: Nearly 7,000 train-disrupting signal failures on Sweden's railways in 2023

12/21/2023, 7:20:01 PM

Highlights: Signal failures account for a third of all delays, according to Jonas Bruce. In total in the last year there have been about 6,800 train disruptors. A major project is underway to replace the entire signalling system. But it will take longer than the Swedish Transport Administration first anticipated, it was announced in December. In 2023, there will be nearly 7,000 train-disrupting signal failures on Sweden's railways, the authority said in a review. In the past year, the signalling faults have caused an 11,750-hour delay.

In the past year, the Swedish Transport Administration has registered thousands of signalling faults that interfere with trains. They, in turn, have caused an 11,750-hour delay. But what could be the reason for this? SVT Nyheter has asked Jonas Bruce, who is the unit manager for railway maintenance.

Many of the signal failures are a bit of a nuisance, but some cause major delays. Signal failures account for a third of all delays, according to Jonas Bruce, and in total in the last year there have been about 6,800 train disruptors.

How can there be fewer signal errors?

– through the modernisation of the entire rail system; A major project is underway to replace the entire signalling system.

But it will take longer than the Swedish Transport Administration first anticipated, according to a review that the authority announced in December.

Start the clip and hear Jonas Bruce talk about what can be behind a signal failure.