Teller Report

Slovak authorities on shooting in the Czech Republic: Bratislava will provide Prague with any assistance

12/21/2023, 5:50:46 PM

Highlights: Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico says Bratislava is ready to help reduce the consequences of the shooting in Prague. The head of the Czech police, David Vondrašek, said that the number of victims had increased to 15. Fico: "We support our Czech brothers in this difficult situation and are ready to provide any assistance that would reduce the consequence of this terrible tragedy" The shooting took place at Charles University in Prague, killing at least 14 people and injuring more than a dozen.

The Czech Republic can count on any help from Slovakia that can help it reduce the consequences of the shooting in Prague. This statement was made by Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico.

The head of the Slovak government expressed his condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the shooting at Charles University in Prague. Fico also noted that Slovakia supports the Czech Republic in this difficult situation.

"We support our Czech brothers in this difficult situation and are ready to provide any assistance that would reduce the consequences of this terrible tragedy," he wrote on social media.

Earlier, the head of the Czech police, David Vondrašek, said that the number of victims of the shooting in Prague had increased to 15.