Teller Report

Putin and Maduro stressed the commonality of approaches to the formation of a multipolar world

12/21/2023, 4:41:09 PM

Highlights: Putin and Maduro stressed the commonality of approaches to the formation of a multipolar world. They also expressed their rejection of illegal sanctions and interference in the internal affairs of states. Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that Maduro is still fulfilling agreements with the United States on elections. He said that the Venezuelan leader is still living up to his part of the agreement with the U.S. to hold elections in the country in 2018. The two leaders spoke on December 21 by phone. The conversation was reported in the Kremlin's Telegram channel.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro stressed the common approaches of the countries to the formation of a multipolar world order. This was reported in the Kremlin.

During a telephone conversation on December 21, the President of Russia and the President of Venezuela exchanged views on the international agenda.

As follows from the message published on the Kremlin's Telegram channel, the parties confirmed the commonality of approaches to the formation of a multipolar world, and also expressed their rejection of illegal sanctions and interference in the internal affairs of states.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that Maduro is still fulfilling agreements with the United States on elections.