Teller Report

Most of all, on New Year's Eve, Russians are annoyed by fireworks and boring programs

12/21/2023, 9:10:02 PM

Highlights: Most of all, on New Year's Eve, Russians are annoyed by fireworks and boring programs. 10% complain that on the night of January 1, the same thing is on TV. The same number experience discomfort from a large number of drunk people (10%).3% of respondents do not like that a large feast leads to overeating, 3% suffer from lack of sleep. 1% don't understand the general obsession with celebrating the New Year. 27% of Russians are not annoyed by anything on New year's Eve.

Most of all, on New Year's Eve, Russians are annoyed by fireworks, firecrackers and the noise from them, which does not stop until the morning (19%). This is evidenced by the results of a survey that RT has at its disposal.

10% complain that on the night of January 1, the same thing is on TV. The same number experience discomfort from a large number of drunk people (10%).

3% of respondents do not like that a large feast leads to overeating, 3% suffer from lack of sleep, another 3% are sad that New Year's Eve passes quickly. 2% don't like to be alone on New Year's Eve, 1% don't understand the general obsession with celebrating the New Year.

"Other irritating factors (17%) that spoil the mood on New Year's Eve: taxi prices, phone calls, high expenses, uninvited guests, washing dishes, bad weather, bad mood, failed salad, conversations about working at the table, hustle and bustle," the analysts noted.

27% of Russians are not annoyed by anything on New Year's Eve.

1.6 thousand economically active citizens from all districts of the country took part in an open survey of the SuperJob service for finding high-paying jobs.