Teller Report

Immigration law: is this law really "the shield that was missing" in France?

12/21/2023, 5:30:35 PM

Highlights: Immigration law: is this law really "the shield that was missing" in France?. Laurence Ferrari and his guests debate the remarks made by President Macron yesterday on France 5 when he evoked the immigration law adopted in the National Assembly. For him, this law is the "law of the world." shield thatWas missing.  . SEASON 2023 - 202418h21, December 21, 2023 and December 22, 2024, on "Punchline"

Today in " Punchline", Laurence Ferrari and his guests debate the remarks made by President Macron yesterday on France 5 when he evoked the immigration law adopted in the National Assembly. For him, this law is the "law of the world." shield that was missing.  

Laurence Ferrari SEASON 2023 - 202418h21, December 21, 2023

Today in "Punchline", Laurence Ferrari and his guests debate the remarks made by President Macron yesterday on France 5 when he evoked the immigration law adopted in the National Assembly. For him, this law is the "shield that was missing".



Éric Revel, journalist and former CEO of LCI


Louis de Raguenel, Head of the Political Department of Europe 1

Éric Naulleau, journalist

RachelKhan, essayist and jurist

- Eugénie Bastié, senior reporter at Le Figaro