Teller Report

Fatal accident outside Solberg – 23-year-old was going to make a winter road for SCA

12/21/2023, 5:00:12 PM

Highlights: Fatal accident outside Solberg – 23-year-old was going to make a winter road for SCA. Kenneth Larsson in Solberg has worked in the forest since he was young. He has tread winter roads on marshes countless times. "A bog that is frozen 30 cm can withstand just about anything," he says. The important thing, according to Kenneth, is to plan the route before the snow covers the ground and to mark the intended road properly. It is best if the bog is wet so that water comes up that can freeze.

Kenneth Larsson in Solberg has worked in the forest since he was young. He has tread winter roads on marshes countless times, exactly the job that the 23-year-old was supposed to be doing when he died last week. "A bog that is frozen 30 cm can withstand just about anything," he says.

Kenneth Larsson says that he has been around since the time of the tail, which means that he started his professional life in the forest, equipped with an axe and joint tail. He remained in the forest until his retirement, at the age of 70. As a self-employed entrepreneur and entrepreneur, he has tread many winter roads in connection with logging.

"There were trucks with timber on those roads. The longest road was almost three kilometres long and lay on pure marshland.

Best if the bog is wet

The important thing, according to Kenneth, is to plan the route before the snow covers the ground and to mark the intended road properly. Then, when it's time to pedal the road itself, you need the right machine for the purpose.

"You have to have an adapted machine with tracks. Then you have to tread tightly over the entire surface. It is best if the bog is wet so that water comes up that can freeze. Then you get a strong road.

"It makes you really sad"

As a fellow human being and an old lumberjack, he is affected by the fatal accident.

"It's tragic. It makes you very sad to see what has happened. It was such a young boy.

Listen to Kenneth talk in the clip about what to think about when making a winter road in the forest.