Teller Report

Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Hamas surrenders or dies"

12/20/2023, 9:39:59 PM

Highlights: Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Hamas fighters surrender or die". In the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army continues its military operations, on the 20th, at least 10 people were killed by airstrikes in the southern Rafah area. On the 300th, Al Jazeera, a satellite television station in the Middle East, was broadcasting from Rafah in the south, when nearby houses were bombed several times, causing a large explosion and causing many people to flee. The death toll since the start of Israel's military operation has approached 2,20. There are concerns that the number of casualties will rise further.

In the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army continues its military operations, on the 20th, at least 10 people were killed by airstrikes in the southern Rafah area, where many refugees are fleeing.

In the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army continues its military operations, at least 20 people were killed on the 10th when an airstrike was carried out on a residential area in the southern city of Rafah, where many refugees are fleeing.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has said that "Hamas fighters surrender or die," and has repeatedly emphasized his policy of aiming to destroy Hamas, and there are concerns about a further increase in civilian casualties.

table of contents

  • WFP supplies from Jordan arrive in the Gaza Strip

  • UNICEF "Gaza Strip: Water Security for Children: A Life-Threatening Issue"

  • U.S. officials 'seriously negotiate' for hostage release and cessation of hostilities

  • U.S. Secretary Blinken "Continues to Urge for a Cessation of Fighting, It's Up to Hamas to Make It Happen"

Open Table of Contents

table of contents

table of contents

  • WFP supplies from Jordan arrive in the Gaza Strip

  • UNICEF "Gaza Strip: Water Security for Children: A Life-Threatening Issue"

  • U.S. officials 'seriously negotiate' for hostage release and cessation of hostilities

  • U.S. Secretary Blinken "Continues to Urge for a Cessation of Fighting, It's Up to Hamas to Make It Happen"

The Israeli army, which is conducting military operations in the Gaza Strip, announced on SNS on the 20th that it attacked more than 1 targets from land, sea and air in one day.

On the 300th, Al Jazeera, a satellite television station in the Middle East, was broadcasting from Rafah in the south, where many refugees are fleeing, when nearby houses were bombed several times, causing a large explosion and causing many people to flee.

Al Jazeera said at least 20 people were killed in the airstrike and that there is also a hospital near the houses that were attacked.

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a video message on SNS on the 10th, saying, "Hamas terrorists have only two possibilities: surrender or die," and reiterated his policy of aiming for the destruction of Hamas.

In response, Hamas posted a video on social media on the 20th of the destruction of a military vehicle in the southern city of Khan Yunis, where the Israeli army is intensifying its offensive, and claims that it is continuing to fight thoroughly.

According to health officials in the Gaza Strip, the death toll since the start of Israel's military operation has approached 2,20, and there are concerns that the number of casualties will rise further.

Meanwhile, Hamas revealed on the 2th that its top official Haniyah had visited Egypt, where he had acted as an intermediary in negotiations for the cessation of hostilities and the release of hostages.

Some media outlets have reported that the Israeli side has offered a new temporary pause in hostilities in exchange for the release of hostages held by Hamas, and negotiations may be taking place behind the scenes.

However, Hamas has repeatedly said that a complete ceasefire is necessary for the release of the hostages, and even if negotiations take place, it may be difficult.

WFP supplies from Jordan arrive in the Gaza Strip

WFP = World Food Programme announced that humanitarian aid from Jordan arrived in the Gaza Strip on October 10 for the first time since the start of fighting between Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas on October 7.

More than 20 tons of food were loaded onto 750 trucks and delivered through the Kerem Shalom checkpoint on the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

On the 46th, the Israeli government announced that it would temporarily allow the delivery of humanitarian aid from the Kerem Shalom checkpoint.

In its announcement, WFP expressed hope for the expansion of assistance, saying, "By establishing a support route from Jordan, we will be able to deliver more food faster to the Gaza Strip, where millions of people are facing the threat of hunger."

UNICEF "Gaza Strip: Water Security for Children: A Life-Threatening Issue"

UNICEF = United Nations Children's Fund warned on the 20th that the water supply in the Gaza Strip is extremely scarce, and children in the south can only secure 1.1 to 5 liters of water a day, which is less than the minimum amount of water required for survival.

UNICEF estimates that children displaced in the southern Gaza Strip currently have access to only 2.1 to 1 litres of water per day.

It is pointed out that this is not only less than the minimum amount of 5 liters of water per day required for survival, but also about 2% of the amount of 1 liters of water per day required for emergencies, including drinking water, laundry, cooking, etc.

According to UNICEF, the health hazards of children due to water shortages are also widespread, with nearly 3 times the monthly average of diarrhea cases reported in children under the age of 1 and more than 15,1 respiratory infections reported.

UNICEF Executive Director Russell warns that "access to sufficient amount of clean water is a matter of life and death, and without safe water, more children will die from dehydration and illness in the next few days."

Regarding assistance to the Gaza Strip, he said, "In addition to the constant bombing, the restriction on the delivery of supplies and fuel is hindering the assistance, and there is an urgent need to transport supplies to repair the damaged water supply system."

U.S. officials 'seriously negotiate' for hostage release and cessation of hostilities

Kirby, the White House's coordinator for strategic communications, told reporters on Monday that he would not make a specific announcement in relation to reports in some media that Israel had offered a new temporary cessation of hostilities in exchange for the release of hostages held by the Islamic group Hamas. It's a very serious discussion and negotiation, and I hope it will lead somewhere," he said, suggesting that negotiations are going on behind the scenes.

Asked by reporters if negotiations to free the hostages would be finalized in the near future, Biden said, "We're backing it, but at the moment we don't have any prospects."

U.S. Secretary Blinken "Continues to Urge for a Cessation of Fighting, It's Up to Hamas to Make It Happen"

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at a press conference on the 20th that the United States will once again urge the realization of a cessation of hostilities for the release of hostages held by the Islamic organization Hamas and others in the Gaza Strip, but whether or not it will be realized is left to Hamas to respond.

Regarding the release of hostages held by the Islamic organization Hamas and others in the Gaza Strip, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, "We are working every day to stop fighting again and release the hostages from the Gaza Strip," and emphasized the idea that the United States will continue to work for it.

"Israel has made it clear that it welcomes another cessation of hostilities for the release of the hostages, and the question is whether Hamas will comply," he said, adding that it is up to Hamas to decide whether it will happen.

Regarding the Israeli military's military operations, he said, "I expect them to shift to targeted operations, including Hamas officials, which will significantly reduce civilian casualties."