Teller Report

Prime Minister Kishida to intensify offensive to seek resignation of Justice Minister Koizumi

12/20/2023, 7:49:57 PM

Highlights: Prime Minister Kishida wants to replace the members of the LDP's Political Affairs Committee and the chairman of the Diet Measures Committee. He also wants to appoint a non-LDP member to replace them. The opposition parties have called for the resignation of Justice Minister Koizumi, who has been in office for two years. They also want to hold closed-door meetings to discuss the situation. The LDP is expected to hold its first meeting of the new year on December 18.

Prime Minister Kishida has submitted his resignation over the political funding party of the LDP faction, the successor of the chairman of the LDP's political affairs research committee and the chairman of the Diet Measures Committee ...

Prime Minister Kishida wants to rebuild the system by appointing successors to the LDP's chairman of the Political Affairs Research Committee and the chairman of the Diet Measures Committee, who have submitted their resignations.
On the other hand, the opposition parties plan to further intensify their offensive to demand the resignation of Justice Minister Koizumi, who has left the Nikai faction.

In connection with the search of the offices of the Abe and Nikai factions over the political fundraising party of the LDP faction, both Hagiuda, chairman of the Political Affairs Research Committee, and Takagi, chairman of the Diet Measures Committee, have submitted their resignations.

Prime Minister Kishida intends to appoint former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Watami to succeed Mr. Hagiuda and former Minister of Defense Hamada to succeed Mr. Takagi, and will make the appointment on the 22nd.

Prime Minister Kishida intends to replace four cabinet ministers from the Abe faction and appoint veteran lawmakers, all of whom are non-factional, to key positions in the party to rebuild the system and face next year's ordinary Diet session.

On the other hand, Minister of Justice Koizumi left the faction on the 4th, saying that he did not want to cause misunderstandings in future investigations because the office of the Nikai faction was searched.

Prime Minister Kishida stated, "I understand that Minister Koizumi was withdrawn at his own discretion from his position in charge of the prosecutor's office, and I hope that he will continue to fulfill his duties."

In response, the opposition parties met with the chairmen of the Diet Measures Committee, and agreed to call for Minister Koizumi's resignation, saying that it was not appropriate for him to continue in office.

Azumi, chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan's Diet Measures Committee, criticized the government and the Liberal Democratic Party, saying, "It is not so easy to start a normal Diet session with Minister Koizumi in place, because the opposition parties have a negative reaction."

In addition, the opposition parties have confirmed that they will demand that successive Secretary-Generals of the Abe faction explain themselves at the House of Representatives Political Ethics Review Committee, and that they will ask related committees such as the House of Representatives Committee on General Affairs to hold closed-door examinations, and will further intensify their offensive against the Kishida administration.