Teller Report

OP member Danyuk criticized the suspension of the work of Radio Sputnik Armenia

12/20/2023, 4:39:55 PM

Highlights: OP member Danyuk criticized the suspension of the work of Radio Sputnik Armenia. "It seems that one of his main tasks as the leader of Armenia is to undermine the close ties that existed between Armenia and Russia," he said. At the same time, as the RT interlocutor added, it should not be forgotten that the Armenian economy is highly dependent on trade with Russia, on the supply of Russian energy resources. "This suggests that Pashinyan will continue this policy and is an openly anti-Russian protégé of the West," the analyst concluded.

Nikita Danyuk, Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, a member of the Public Chamber of Russia, in an interview with RT, commented on the information that the Armenian regulator suspended the work of the broadcaster Radio Sputnik Armenia for 30 days.

"In my opinion, this is a logical continuation of Pashinyan's policy, it seems that one of his main tasks as the leader of Armenia is to undermine the close ties that existed between Armenia and Russia in the field of security, in the cultural and information space," he explained.

At the same time, as the RT interlocutor added, it should not be forgotten that the Armenian economy is highly dependent on trade with Russia, on the supply of Russian energy resources.

"Therefore, the fact that the activities of the Tospa radio station, which is a relay of Radio Sputnik Armenia, is suspended for 30 days, indicates that Pashinyan does not want the Armenian society to receive an alternative point of view on the situation and processes that are taking place in the world, in the context of the special military operation, in the CIS space. And this suggests that Pashinyan will continue this policy and is an openly anti-Russian protégé of the West, unfortunately," the analyst concluded.

Earlier it became known that the Commission on Television and Radio of Armenia suspended the activities of the Tospa company, which is the broadcaster of Radio Sputnik Armenia, for 30 days.