Teller Report

New breastfeeding leave: how many days it is, what it consists of and who can take it

12/20/2023, 3:59:43 PM

Highlights: New breastfeeding leave: how many days it is, what it consists of and who can take it. Breastfeeding leave is included in article 37.4 of the Workers' Statute, which states that in the event of birth, adoption, guardianship for the purposes of.... Economy From Thursday, all workers will be able to enjoy the extension of breastfeeding leave up to a total of 28 days. The duration of the leave shall be increased proportionately in cases of multiple births, adoptions, foster care or foster care.

Breastfeeding leave is included in article 37.4 of the Workers' Statute, which states that in the event of birth, adoption, guardianship for the purposes of...

  • Economy From Thursday, all workers will be able to enjoy the extension of breastfeeding leave up to a total of 28 days
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Breastfeeding leave is included in article 37.4 of the Workers' Statute, which states that in the event of birth, adoption, guardianship for the purpose of adoption or fostering,workers will be entitled to one hour of absence from work, which may be divided into two fractions, for the care of the infant until it is nine months old. The duration of the leave shall be increased proportionately in cases of multiple births, adoptions, foster care or foster care.

To date, the right to be absent has been conditional on the provisions of collective bargaining or on the agreement reached by the worker with the company. However, the Ministry of Labour has agreed to this amendment for direct application in all cases.

How many days are the new breastfeeding leave?

The Council of Ministers approved the amendment of article 37.4 to extend to all employees the possibility of taking breastfeeding leave cumulatively up to 28 days.

However, CCOO stresses that this modification does not mean a change in the leave itself or in the recognized time, which is one hour of working day until the child is nine months old and can be enjoyed cumulatively up to 28 consecutive days.

The Statute establishes that workers are entitled to one hour of absence from work, which may also be divided into two parts.

Who is eligible for breastfeeding leave?

Parents, adoptive parents, guardians or foster parents may exercise this right for the same duration and under the same regime. The period of enjoyment may be extended until the infant reaches twelve months, with a proportional reduction in salary from the end of nine months.

Until now, breastfeeding leave could be taken cumulatively and not half an hour a day when it was included in the collective agreement that protected workers. However, now with this modification, public employees will also be able to take advantage of it.

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