Teller Report

Information: SD slimmed down the government's climate plan at the last minute

12/20/2023, 5:19:44 PM

Highlights: SD slimmed down the government's climate plan at the last minute. SVT learns that several points have been removed in final negotiations with SD. The government wanted a declaration of ambition that only zero-emission vehicles can be sold after 2030. This and other points were also removed. No new proposals are expected to significantly reduce emissions, according to several sources. The Climate Policy Council sharply criticised the government when it presented a budget in which emissions increased substantially. The Council called for other measures to ensure that emissions are reduced sufficiently to meet the 2030 climate targets.

Tomorrow, Thursday, the Government's climate action plan will be presented. SVT learns that several points have been removed in final negotiations with SD, including the abolition of the benefit tax for bus passes. According to several sources, no new proposals are expected to significantly reduce emissions.

The government wanted a declaration of ambition that only zero-emission vehicles can be sold after 2030. The proposal was deleted after a meeting with SD, according to SVT's sources.

The government wanted to investigate abolishing the benefit tax, for those who receive a bus card or public transport card as a fringe benefit. This and other points were also removed.

This is evident from conversations with politicians and officials with full insight into the negotiations that SVT had.

Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) has previously said that the climate action plan would be written by the government itself – it did not need to be negotiated with SD. That did not happen.

ARCHIVE: These were the words of the Chair of the Climate Policy Council in March this year.

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"Postponing emission reductions has significant consequences. What is needed now is a strong climate policy," says Cecilia Hermansson, Chair of the Climate Policy Council (29 March 2023). Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

During the year, the government has been under increasing pressure on the action plan, and last spring the Climate Policy Council sharply criticised the government when it presented a budget in which emissions increased substantially. The Council called for other measures to ensure that emissions are reduced sufficiently to meet the 2030 climate targets. Such reforms now need to be presented in the climate action plan by the end of the year.

"Nothing with scratching"

At the Government Offices, various proposals have been put forward that can reduce emissions, but most of them are stopped, according to a source. This also applies to proposals that would facilitate climate action in municipalities, which were also removed. "There's nothing about claw beyond what's been said in the budget," a source said. Instead, the government has high hopes for the Climate Leap, electrification, and opportunities to buy emission reductions in other countries.

An important measure that, according to SVT's sources, is in the plan is the EU's expanded emissions trading system. Investigator John Hassler sketched out a Swedish version, which could be introduced in Sweden before the EU does so in 2027. It doesn't look like it's going to happen. However, in the EU's new system, emissions from cars, buildings and small industries are also included in the emissions trading scheme. Should this result in higher fuel prices, as many believe, the Tidö parties, according to SVT's sources, want to compensate the motorists.