Teller Report

Divided views among EU politicians on the Migration Pact

12/20/2023, 9:29:47 PM

Highlights: The EU's migration agreement aims to ensure that fewer people who have no grounds for asylum come to Europe. At the same time, it has received criticism from several quarters. Some argue that it undermines the right to asylum and violates human rights, while others believe that it is not strict enough. "These are important steps forward, but at thesame time the real solution is not included," says Charlie Wiemers (SD) from Sweden's Left Party. "Here, people will be placed in mass custody with quite a lot of brutality," says Malin Björk from the Sweden Democrats.

Today, the EU has agreed on the so-called Migration Pact. Some say that this is a step forward for refugee policy – but in Sweden neither the Left Party nor the Sweden Democrats are satisfied. "These are important steps forward, but at the same time the real solution is not included," says Charlie Wiemers (SD).

The EU's migration agreement aims to ensure that fewer people who have no grounds for asylum come to Europe. At the same time, it has received criticism from several quarters. Some argue that it undermines the right to asylum and violates human rights, while others believe that it is not strict enough and still provides incentives to come to Europe.

V: Legal uncertainty

The Left Party's EU parliamentarian Malin Björk believes that this will not solve the problems but rather will increase the measures that she believes do not work.

"Here, people will be placed in mass custody with quite a lot of brutality, there will be a quick and thus legally uncertain process, and we will also see agreements with third countries to externalize responsibility," says Björk.

SD: The real solution is missing

The Sweden Democrats are also critical – but for other reasons. EU parliamentarian Charlie Weimers (SD) believes that the important thing in the agreement should have been to reduce the volume of migrants coming to Europe.

"These are important steps forward, but at the same time the real solution is not included. To place the entire asylum process outside the EU's borders. We need to ensure that in the future," says Charlie Weimers.

M: A first step

Moderate MEP Tomas Tobé has been the chief negotiator for the agreement. He says that even if not everyone is completely satisfied, there is value in the fact that the EU has finally managed to come together around a proposal that is politically feasible to implement.

"I think we should see this as a first step where we take back control from the smugglers who have controlled a lot of the migration policy. Then there will be more to do, says Tobé.