Teller Report

Deafblind Evelina is denied support – Monica continues the fight

12/20/2023, 4:10:06 PM

Highlights: Deafblind Evelina is denied support – Monica continues the fight. Monica Isaksson, 77, started a petition for her to get her support back. The chairman of the social welfare board and the head of social services in Piteå stand by their guideline not to comment on individual cases. In the clip below, you can hear the municipality's comments on the situation with Evelinas Lindberg. The petition has 1,800 signatures and has been handed over to the board's chairman.

Monica Isaksson, a resident of Piteå, was so touched by the deafblind Evelina Lindberg's struggle to maintain her personal support that she put together a petition with 1,800 signatures.

A couple of weeks ago, Evelina Lindberg lost her personal support. After that announcement, 77-year-old Monica Isaksson decided to start a petition for her to get her support back.

After the social welfare board's open meeting, Monica handed over the signatures to the board's chairman Sven-Gösta Pettersson (S).

"I couldn't just watch anymore, I felt that I needed to do something and then I came up with a petition," says Isaksson.

"Does not comment on individual cases"

But the chairman of the social welfare board and the head of social services in Piteå stand by their guideline not to comment on individual cases.

"We will register the petition and put an administrator on it. And then we will prepare for it, says Sven-Gösta Pettersson (S).

In the clip below, you can hear the municipality's comments on the situation with Evelina.

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The chairman of the social welfare board and head of social services in Piteå about the situation with deafblind Evelina Lindberg. Photo: Adam Berlin/SVT