Teller Report

Blinken said that the United States has developed a plan for the future development of Ukraine

12/20/2023, 5:40:52 PM

Highlights: U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the United States has developed a plan for the future development of Ukraine. Blinken stressed that first it is necessary to help the authorities in Kyiv "overcome these winter, spring and summer" The plan assumes that Ukraine will not have to allocate more money in the current volumes, the State Department said. The United States would help Ukraine create an armed force that would be able to deter Russia in the future, the Pentagon chief said.

The US authorities have developed a clear plan for Ukraine's future development, said US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, summing up the results of the year.

"We have a very clear plan that ensures that Ukraine can stand on its own two feet economically, militarily, and democratically," the head of the State Department said.

This plan assumes that Ukraine will not have to allocate more money in the current volumes, he said. Blinken stressed that first it is necessary to help the authorities in Kyiv "overcome these winter, spring and summer."

"We must continue support to help Ukraine enter a stage where it will be able to stand on its own two feet," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin argued that the United States would help Ukraine create an armed force that would be able to deter Russia in the future.