Teller Report

Biden said that Maduro is still fulfilling agreements with the United States on elections

12/20/2023, 5:59:44 PM

Highlights: Biden said that Maduro is still fulfilling agreements with the United States on elections. "It looks good. So far, Maduro appears to be fulfilling his commitment to free elections. There is still a long way to go. But so far everything is fine," TASS quoted him as saying. Earlier it was reported that the United. States released Alex Saab, a close ally of Venezuelan President Nicolas. Maduro, in exchange for several imprisoned Americans. Earlier, Maduro announced that the U.S. must be held accountable for the kidnapping of diplomat Alex. Saab.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is still fulfilling agreements with the United States on holding "free elections," but Caracas still has a long way to go, said American leader Joe Biden.

"It looks good. So far, Maduro appears to be fulfilling his commitment to free elections. But that's not all. There is still a long way to go. But so far everything is fine," TASS quoted him as saying.

Earlier it was reported that the United States released Alex Saab, a close ally of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, in exchange for several imprisoned Americans.

Earlier, Maduro announced that the United States must be held accountable for the kidnapping of diplomat Alex Saab before negotiations with the right-wing opposition could resume.

Prior to that, the President of Venezuela said that the country's authorities would appeal to international organizations with a statement about the kidnapping of diplomat Alex Saab, who was extradited to the United States.