Teller Report

A resident of Tyumen told about a gang of teenagers who interfere with the residents of the house

12/20/2023, 6:10:19 PM

Highlights: "They make noise at the wrong time, spit on the floor, vomit, yell, swear, smoke," resident says. Ministry of Internal Affairs is conducting an inspection of the scene. "Last year, they beat up our neighbor and scratched several cars," she says. "They leave the doors open, there is a stench all over the hallway," she adds. "We are trying to find out what is going on," the local police chief says, "but it is not easy"

A "gang of teenagers" interferes with the residents of one of the residential buildings in Tyumen, writes 72.RU. Marina, a local resident, told reporters that noisy groups of people between the ages of 12 and 20 gather in the house and frighten the locals with their behavior.

According to the interlocutor, the teenagers gather "in crowds of 15-20 people" in the apartment next door.

"They make noise at the wrong time, spit on the floor, vomit, yell, swear, smoke. They leave the apartment inadequate, they can barely stand on their feet. When the doors are opened, there is a stench all over the hallway. Last year, they beat up our neighbor and scratched several cars," the woman said.

Journalists appealed to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tyumen region. They said that the police went to the scene and identified the minors.

Now the Ministry of Internal Affairs is conducting an inspection.