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A three-year follow-up study by Chinese experts revealed that sleep is closely related to children's emotional and behavioral problems

12/19/2023, 5:39:43 AM

Highlights: A three-year follow-up study by Chinese experts revealed that sleep is closely related to children's emotional and behavioral problems. For children with sleep problems at the beginning of kindergarten, 50% of them still have sleep problems after kindergarten graduation. When preschoolers have persistent sleep problems or new sleep problems, they are more likely to develop new emotional and behavioural problems. Early prevention and intervention of sleep disturbances in children may be an an effective strategy for guiding a precise sleep prevention system for children. The research results are published online in international authoritative journals., Shanghai, December 12 (Chen Jing, Jiang Rong) One-third of people's lives are spent in sleep, and for children in the stage of rapid growth and development, the proportion of sleep is higher and the sleep time is longer.

The reporter learned on the 19th that Chinese medical experts used a large crowd cohort to reveal the correlation between early sleep and emotional and behavioral problems in children. By tracking more than 1,7 preschool children aged 3 to 4 for three years from the time they first entered kindergarten, they found that the alleviation of sleep problems in this age group may be conducive to the improvement of emotional and behavioral problems, and that persistent sleep problems or new sleep problems are closely related to the occurrence of emotional and behavioral problems.

The research results of Professor Jiang Fan and Wang Guanghai from the Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the National Children's Medical Center (Shanghai) and Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine suggest that it is necessary to attach great importance to children's sleep problems, especially for children with persistent and poor intervention effects, parents should actively seek professional medical help.

The research results of Chinese experts are published online in international authoritative journals. Shanghai traffic? Studying at the School of Medicine in Shanghai? In pediatric medicine? Photo courtesy of the courtesy of the

It is understood that the latest issue of the international authoritative journal JAMA Network Open published the research results of Chinese experts online. The Key Laboratory of Environment and Child Health of the Ministry of Education, where Professor Jiang Fan works, has long been concerned about children's sleep health, and has systematically carried out research on the current situation of sleep and intervention strategies for children and adolescents in China. In recent years, Professor Jiang Fan has led a team to study the effects of children's lifestyles such as sleep, physical activity, and screen exposure on children's health. With the strong support of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, the team established the Shanghai Child Health, Education and Lifestyle Survey Preschool Cohort (SCHEDULE-P) to carry out in-depth research on the impact of lifestyle on children's health, and the research results have also been applied in the work of the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to promote healthy sleep among students.

"Sleep problems are one of the most common complaints from parents in pediatric clinics. Sleep problems are closely related to excessive daytime sleepiness, inattention, hyperactivity, and emotional and behavioral problems in children. Professor Jiang Fan told reporters that healthy and good sleep can not only promote children's physical growth, but also help children's brain development, language, cognitive and social and emotional development.

According to reports, although there have been some clinical research projects with sleep intervention as a breakthrough to break the vicious circle of sleep problems and emotional and behavioral problems, the desired effect has not been achieved in young children. Professor Jiang Fan pointed out that in the preschool stage, with the continuous improvement and maturity of brain development, children's sleep problems and emotional and behavioral problems may be naturally alleviated, or they may be new or chronically prolonged, and the relationship between the two is complex and mutually influential. Among them, the relationship between the dynamic development of sleep problems and preschool children's emotional and behavioral problems has not been deeply studied.

This study was the first to reveal the dynamic development and change of sleep problems and emotional and behavioral problems in preschool children, and found that for children with sleep problems at the beginning of kindergarten, 50% of them still have sleep problems after kindergarten graduation. When preschoolers have persistent sleep problems or new sleep problems at this stage, they are more likely to develop new emotional and behavioral problems, and pre-existing emotional and behavioral problems are more difficult to resolve. The improvement of sleep problems, especially sleep resistance, sleep anxiety, sleep insufficiency, and parasomnias, is closely related to the improvement of children's emotional and behavioral problems.

Therefore, early prevention and intervention of sleep disturbances in children may be an effective and scalable strategy for the prevention and intervention of emotional and behavioral problems in children. These results will provide a strong scientific basis for guiding the establishment of a precise sleep prevention and intervention system, guiding parents to raise children scientifically, and promoting children's sleep and mental health. (ENDS)