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China's Private Economy 2023: Solving Problems, Stabilizing Expectations, and Expanding New Situations

12/18/2023, 3:29:14 AM

Highlights: China's private economy will continue to show resilience and vitality in 2023. The number of newly established private enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households achieved double-digit growth in the first three quarters. The Chinese government has intensively introduced a series of policy measures, such as unblocking the bond financing channels of private enterprises. To do a good job in the private economy is to grasp the "bull's nose" of China's economy, experts say. The stability of policies and policies, the fairness of the business environment, the trustworthiness of government departments, and the safety of personal property are all related to the confidence and expectations of private businesses.

China's Private Economy 2023: Solving Problems, Stabilizing Expectations, and Expanding New Situations

China News Service, Beijing, December 12 (Xinhua) -- China's private economy in 18: solve problems, stabilize expectations, and expand new situations

Author: Chen Jianxin, Liu Shuling

In the first three quarters, the number of newly established private enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households achieved double-digit growth, the import and export volume of private enterprises increased by 6.1% year-on-year, and the decline in private fixed asset investment narrowed... In the face of unfavorable factors such as downward fluctuations in the world economy and insufficient domestic demand, China's private economy will continue to show resilience and vitality in 2023.

Solving the problem: "pulling a hand" at the critical moment

In 2023, the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic will be smoothly transitioned, the "scarring effect" caused by the epidemic will still be eliminated, and the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations will still exist.

Li Zhiqi, vice chairman of the Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce and chairman of the revitalization international think tank, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Service that to overcome difficulties and restore growth, it is necessary not only to give full play to the entrepreneurial spirit, transformation and innovation, but also to reach out to government departments at critical moments to "pull a hand", from the overall optimization of the business environment to the precise efforts of finance, finance and taxation, so as to provide a multi-faceted policy support system for private enterprises.

Both at home and abroad have noted that since the beginning of this year, the Chinese government has intensively introduced a series of policy measures, such as unblocking the bond financing channels of private enterprises, clearing up the arrears of enterprises, and reducing and reducing the value-added tax of small-scale taxpayers.

91 Technology Group, driven by big data and cloud computing, has successively established branches in Chongqing, Chengdu and Shenzhen this year. Xu Zewei, chairman of the group, said that benefiting from the tax reduction and fee reduction policy and the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, and providing services", the tax burden of enterprises has been greatly reduced, the cash flow has been increased, and the institutional transaction costs have also been reduced.

The policy effect is gradually emerging. Sheng Laiyun, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said in October that a survey of 10,5 small and micro enterprises showed that the overall improvement of the production orders and business conditions of enterprises showed that the prosperity index increased by 9.1 percentage points month-on-month.

Stable expectations: "1+N" and policy coordination

"The difficulties of China's economy are mainly in the private economy, the hot spot of social concern is in the private economy, and the new growth point in the future is also in the private economy." Zhuang Congsheng, former vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and a special expert of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Talent Pool, responded to a reporter from China News Service that to do a good job in the private economy is to grasp the "bull's nose" of China's economy. One of the most important tasks is to stabilize the confidence of entrepreneurs and stabilize their market expectations.

The stability of policies and policies, the fairness of the business environment, the trustworthiness of government departments, and the safety of personal property are all related to the confidence and expectations of private enterprises in the future development.

In July this year, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which is regarded as a "programmatic document" to support the development of the private economy, was released. "The policies that have been introduced so far show the distinctive characteristics of '7+N'." Li Zhiqi believes that the "Opinions" belong to the top-level design of the private economy in the new era, and various ministries and commissions have introduced fiscal, financial, taxation and other policies, and played a set of "policy combination punches" from top to bottom.

How to effectively implement policies and measures is the focus of private entrepreneurs.

"The next step is to work policy coordination and enhance macro policy consistency." Pan Shiyuan, director of the Private Economy Research Center of Zhejiang University and vice president of the Zhejiang Economic Association, analyzed that the central government set up a private economic development bureau in the National Development and Reform Commission, which laid a solid foundation for further improving the consistency, pertinence and effectiveness of macro policies.

The work of the private economy involves a wide range of industries, a long policy chain, and many work links. Observers at home and abroad analyze the responsibilities of the bureau and believe that "overall planning" and "coordination" are the key words, which means that in the future, the development and growth of the private economy will pay more attention to the cooperation of all parties, give full play to the policy synergy, and promote the early implementation and practical results of various major measures.

Expand the new bureau: innovation and transformation, adapt to change

For a long time, private enterprises have relied on the input of production factors to drive development with the help of resource endowments and comparative advantages. With the transformation of China's economic growth model, private enterprises must also adapt and seek changes.

According to the "10 Innovation Report on the Top 2023,1000 Private Enterprises in R&D Investment" released by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce in October this year, private enterprises have contributed more than 50% of the country's R&D investment and R&D personnel, more than 70% of technological innovation achievements, more than 80% of specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises, and more than 90% of high-tech enterprises. More and more Chinese private enterprises are realizing that it is difficult to stand out from the competition without core technology and independent innovation capabilities.

JOMOO Group, which is engaged in the R&D and manufacturing of sanitary products, currently has 16 R&D centers and 15 high-end digital intelligence factories around the world, and has established cooperation with more than 30 countries that jointly build the "Belt and Road" to accelerate the global layout. "The more difficult it is, the more we must strengthen our confidence and actively cultivate 'internal strength'." Lin Xiaofa, chairman of the group, told reporters.

Since the reform and opening up, China's private enterprises have grown from small to large, from weak to strong, and have been seeking survival and development in fierce competition. In the face of the current complex internal and external market environment, optimizing the allocation of resources internally, opening up the market externally, and seizing opportunities, Pan Shiyuan said that private enterprises have truly played a role in promoting Chinese-style modernization.

In 2023, in the face of multiple difficulties, China's private enterprises will turn pressure into motivation and accumulate key energy for the next stage of transformation and rebirth. (ENDS)