Teller Report

The impact of the strong cold wave continues Most of the central and eastern parts will have the coldest weekend in the second half of the year

12/16/2023, 2:29:11 AM

Highlights: The impact of the strong cold wave continues Most of the central and eastern parts will have the coldest weekend in the second half of the year. The minimum temperature in North China and some areas of Huanghuai will be close to or reach the extreme value of the same period in history. In terms of precipitation, the snowfall in the north decreased significantly over the weekend, and there was still widespread rain and snow in the south. The public should pay attention to dress in a timely manner to avoid catching a cold.

China Weather Network News This weekend (December 12-16), the impact of the strong cold wave in the central and eastern parts of China continues, most of the region will spend the coldest weekend in the second half of this year, the minimum temperature in North China and some areas of Huanghuai will be close to or reach the extreme value of the same period in history, and the maximum temperature in many places in the south is only more than 17 °C. After the cold wave, there will be cold air, and the temperature in the central and eastern parts will continue to be low, so the public needs to take measures to keep warm and keep warm. In terms of precipitation, the snowfall in the north decreased significantly over the weekend, and there was still widespread rain and snow in the south.

The cold in many places in the north is rare in the same period, and the temperature in the central and eastern parts continues to be low

Yesterday, the strong cold wave affected the central and eastern regions of China, monitoring showed that at 16 o'clock on the 05th compared with 15 o'clock on the 05th, some areas in southern Chongqing, Guizhou, southern Hunan, Jiangxi, central and southern Zhejiang, Shanghai, northern Guangdong, central and northern Guangxi and other places had a cooling of 8~14 °C, and the local cooling range of southeastern Guizhou, southern Hunan, southern Jiangxi, and northeast Guangxi reached 16~20 °C; This morning, the minimum temperature of 0 °C line is located in the southern part of Hubei to the south of Anhui and the central part of Zhejiang.

Today, the cooling core area is transferred to South China and the southeast coast, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, northeast Liaoning, eastern Jilin, southern Jiangnan, South China, southwestern Guizhou and other places will be cooled by 6~10 °C, of which, northeast Liaoning, southeast Jilin, southern Zhejiang, eastern Fujian, eastern and southwestern Guangdong, southern Guangxi and other places will be cooled by 10~12 °C, and southeastern Jilin will be cooled by more than 12 °C. On the morning of the 17th, the minimum temperature of 0 °C line can be pressed south to the south of Guizhou and the north of Jiangnan, and the -10 °C line is located in the north of Huanghuai to Qinling.

Under the influence of the cold wave, most of the central and eastern parts of China will spend the coldest weekend in the second half of this year. Among them, the lowest temperature in northern and western North China, most of Northeast China, most of Inner Mongolia, and northern Xinjiang is lower than -20 °C; The minimum temperature in most parts of North China and northern Huanghuai is only -18~-12 °C, close to or reaching the extreme value of the same period in history. In the city, Tianjin will have a minimum temperature of -14°C tomorrow morning, which may break the record for the lowest temperature in mid-December, and Beijing's -12°C is also a rare cold in mid-December.

The temperature in most parts of the south will also fall to a low point this weekend, with the highest temperature in Jiangnan and other places being less than 5 °C, and the pace of winter is coming quickly; The maximum temperature in some areas of Guizhou and Jianghuai is only more than 0 °C, such as Guiyang, Hefei, Nanjing and other cities are around 0-1 °C; In many places in southern China, the maximum temperature is only in the early 10°C, which is obviously cool, so the public should pay attention to dress in a timely manner to avoid catching a cold.

In addition, the cold wave will bring windy weather, low temperature and strong wind lead to obvious wind chill effect, which is easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and influenza and other diseases, and the public needs to do a good job of relevant protection. After this strong cold wave, there will be a strong cold air affecting the central and eastern regions from the 18th to the 20th, with the temperature dropping by 4~6 °C in some areas and the local cooling of more than 8 °C in the north; The temperature 0°C line will continue to press south to the south of Jiangnan to the north of South China. The temperature in the central and eastern parts of the country will continue to be low in the next <> days, and the public should take measures to keep warm and cold.

Snowfall has decreased significantly in the north There is still widespread rain and snow in the south

In terms of precipitation, there was still a wide range of rain and snow in the central and eastern parts of the country yesterday, with light to moderate snow in eastern Jilin, eastern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula, southern Hebei, northern Henan and other places, with localized heavy snowfall; Rainfall, snow or sleet 2~9 mm occurred in parts of eastern Hubei, southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, northern Jiangxi and other places, and 10~15 mm locally.

In the two days of the weekend, the snowfall in the north decreased significantly, and there was still a wide range of rain and snow in the south, and some areas in Jiangnan and other places may now have snowfall. Specifically, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of the Ili River Valley of Xinjiang and the western mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, the eastern part of Northeast China, the Shandong Peninsula, the northern part of Jiangxi, and central Guizhou, among which, there will be heavy to heavy snowfall in the Ili River Valley of Xinjiang and the northern part of the Shandong Peninsula, and freezing rain in some areas of central Guizhou. There was light rain in parts of southeastern Chongqing, southern Jiangnan, most of southern China, and Taiwan Island.

Tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of the high-altitude mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, southeastern Qinghai, southern Gansu, southern Shaanxi, northern Sichuan Plateau, southern Jianghan, western Jianghuai, western and northern Hunan, among them, there will be heavy snow locally in southeastern Qinghai, and freezing rain in parts of northeastern Guizhou and other places. There was light rain in most parts of Jiangnan, northern South China, and most of Taiwan Island.

The day after tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of central and eastern Liaoning, eastern Jilin, Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan, and northern Sichuan Plateau, and freezing rain in parts of central and eastern Guizhou. There was light rain in parts of central and eastern Jiangnan, most of South China, Taiwan Island and other places, among them, moderate rain in parts of southern Anhui, central and southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, and northern Zhejiang.

The meteorological department reminds that frequent rain and snow in the south this weekend will cause slippery roads and reduced visibility, so the public should pay attention to traffic safety. In addition, freezing rain in some areas of Guizhou and other places will also have an adverse impact on transportation, power facilities, etc., so it is necessary to pay attention to prevention.